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"Regina, please..." Robin reached out to me but I slapped his hand away.
"No Robin, just leave me alone." I rushed to the other side of the bedroom and grabbed my suitcase, stuffing it full with clothes and other necessities.
"Regina... Can't we talk about this?" He asked and I looked up at him, laughing as I couldn't believe he was saying this.
"You should have thought about that before sticking your dick into that woman..." I spat and shook my head. "Why don't you go back to your secretary, she seems more than willing." I zipped my suitcase closed and got up.

"I'm leaving." I burst past him through the door and ran down the stairs. I could hear Robin following me.
"Regina! I love you..."
"No!" I turned around abruptly and looked at him as she was standing on the stairs still. "You don't get to say that to me. If you really loved me, you would have never strayed." I grabbed my coat and opened the door. Robin grabbed my wrist as I made my way to the car.
"Let. Go." I said pointedly and glared at him. He slowly released my wrist and swallowed. I threw my suitcase into the back of my car and got in. I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway, the tires skidding a little before I drove off fast.

Robin and I had been married for 5 years. He was a real-estate agent who clearly had more interest in his secretary, or whatever that bitch was supposed to be. Apparently they've been having an affair for the better part of 2 years. I found out a few days ago, finding a receipt of a motel not far from the company. Robin had been acting strange for a while, so I decided to follow him. At first I thought I was just being a paranoid wife, almost cursing myself for being so stupid to think he would cheat on me. But after watching him make out with that skank right in front of the motel only to hold hands with her before disappearing into the room, I knew enough.

I confronted him with my findings last night. First he tried to deny it, but after a while he gave in and confessed. I just couldn't believe it. Not only did he cheat on me, but for almost two years to top it off. He kept telling me he was sorry, but I could tell he didn't mean it. He loved that woman more than he loved me. After he confessed, I just stormed out of the house, going to a good friend of mine. She told me to just grab my things and leave him, and so, that's just what I was doing.

"Regina..." Kathryn stood with open arms. I let myself fall into them and dropped my suitcase. It was then that I really let myself break down. I wasn't going to let him have the pleasure of watching me break, so I held off till this moment. I just couldn't stop it.
"Why are men such bastards?" I cried and held onto the blonde woman tightly. She rubbed my back gently and guided me inside of the house, grabbing my suitcase.
"Come on, lets have a cup of tea..."

Kathryn got me to calm down and made some tea. She sat down next to me and pulled me closer. I rested my head on her shoulder and sighed.
"I just can't believe he just couldn't find it in himself to just tell me the truth. It would have hurt, sure, but at least he would have been honest. I could have respected that, but this?!" I pulled back and looked at Kathryn. "How did you deal with it? You know, with David?" I asked and bit my lip. She shrugged a little and sighed.
"I just got over it I guess... Then again, I met Frederick not long after that happened. He was so wonderful, he made me forget all about it." She smiled and chuckled. "I'm sure this isn't at all helpful." She bit her lip and held my hand.

"I'm sorry. I know it really sucks to have this happen to you, but on the other hand, maybe now is as good as ever. You always wanted to travel didn't you?" Kathryn smiled and tilted her head. I nodded slowly.
"Yeah, I did. I saved up for it so I could go with Robin, but I suppose now I just have more spending money." I chuckled softly and wiped away a few tears that were still falling.
"Just... have a good time, and maybe you'll find someone on your travels." She said and pushed my hair behind my ear. I nodded and smiled a little.
"Thank you Kathryn... I don't know what I'd do without you..." I said and gave her a tight hug.

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