The lone dogs book 1

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Sparr woke up feeling dizzy but was sure he would get over it. Sparr was a beautiful golden retriever who lived on a farm in Kansas city with his owners and sister, Penny. He was a very adventurous dog but his sister liked to relax, she was a fabulous soft coated wheaten terrier and she was 8 years old.

• • •

"Hey Penelope, wanna go in the woods and go on an adventure" Sparr said

"First of all my name is Penny not Penelope and second I don't do that anymore. Your going to get yourself killed" Penny argued

"Well I won't if I have you as protection!"

It went like this every day and Sparr never ends up going.

Chapter €


Penny Woke up the next afternoon feeling so nice and cozy inside but she wanted to see her little brother.

So she stretched and was on her way.

When she went to where he was always tied up, he wasn't there. She looked everywhere but she couldn't find him!

Then when she looked more closely at the leash she realized it was chewed all the way through! Then she saw the door open! So many thoughts went through her head at once she didn't know what to do! But she decided to follow her gut and go find him.

So she ran as fast as her shocked body could take her, through the corn and into the forest she felt like she had been running for hours when she tripped on a root.

Chapter £


Penny's leg was burning with pain and she couldn't get up. She wept. She was so sad she didn't save her brother, she wanted to go home the only thing was, she was lost.

• • •

"Oh, Sparr. Oh Sparr. Why did you leave us, we had a great life at the farm. Why did you leave."

While she was weeping a pack of coyotes were circling her. when she heard growling she stopped

"Sparr is that you" Penny asked

"No it is us the the ones that howl at night. the ones that eat people like you who are hurt. we are-"

Out of no where a black dog jumped from behind the figure!

"It's okay I'm here. no one hurts the terrier" the dog said.

How does he know my breed Penny thought.

A coyote jumped towards him and got him down.

"Some protecter," Penny mumbled.

The biggest coyote lunges towards her when suddenly the coyote that was wrestling the black dog flew out of nowhere and hit the big coyote in the side.

There was howling and whimpering as the coyotes ran.

Chapter ¥


"Who are you" Penny asked the black dog.

"What, you don't recognize me?" He replied.

Penny wondered who could he be none of my male friends are this big

"It's me Sparr" he smiled

• • •

"Sparr, no way, not a chance, what happened?" Penny asked

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