Happily Ever After💜

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Alex pov

The bloodsucking demon, looking hard in my eyes. I could not see what feelings that was hiding behind her blood red eyes. I did not need to see her feelings, I know that she wants me dead.
But she don’t know that I already is dying. That is just have one week left, one week with the love of my life. Bella have kept it a secret that I am dying. I got a family  those 3 last months. New brothers, sisters and parents.

Rosalie-« You took my husband away from me!, way dose he want a pathetic

human?!» I could see the others around the room
Emmett-« Alex is my mate Rosalie, you know that this day would come!» he step up to my side, and took my warm  hand in to his cold one. I looked behind me and meet Carlisl eyes. He gave me the look that says I have to say my darkest secret.

Edward looked at me with a sad look in his eyes, that was all it took for me to know that he know my secret to.
Rosaie-« Emmett you are destroying a healthy human, if she stays with you she will die!» they have no idea am already dead, I could feel tears wanting to fall from my eyes. The burning that comes before the tears start falling
My first family after my own throw me out of the house , because it was no cure for myillness. The first people in have trusted in years. They made me happy again.

They treat me as family, I have to tell them the truth. Just when Emmett was about to say something, I cut him off. With laughing. I shocked every one around me.
Alex-« That’s funny, it’s so ironic» I could see the anger in Rosalie eyes and a scrawl on her face, I could also see the confused face of the others. Okay not Carlisle, Eward and Bella. they know what I was talking about
Rosalie-« This is not something to be laughing about!» oh bloody hell she is prised of so bad.

Alex –« I haven’t been 100% honest with you guys» I looked down at my feet, not knowing how to tell them. At last not till they’re faces  « I am already dying Rosalie, I have just one week left till my heart stoops Breathing.» Everyone looked at me in shock, I looked up at Emmett he was pleading me with his eyes. Telling me to take back what I said, and tell him that it’s not true. My tears started to fall down my face. « I am so sorry Emmett, I did not know how to tell you» when I was done saying  that I couldn’t hold in my sobs anymore . «I didn’t want to hurt everyone, you guys is the first people I love and trust in years» Emmett let go of my hand and started to shake his head side to side, and backing slowly backwards. He used  his vampire speed and he was gone in a flash.
Rosalie –«w..what are you talking about?» she looked at me with sadness all over her face, I am pretty sure that if she could cry. She would be doing that right now. Her eyes was so glossy.

I turned around « I am so sorry, I. .I» I run out the door and to my motor bike the rain was falling. I could hear Carlisle call my name. But I can’t do it, not now.
I started my bike and gave it full gas and left as fast as possible, this was the risen I did not want to tell them. Emmett hates me now, the one man in love the most in the hole world. That one person i did not want to hurt. The one I wanted a future with, without Emmett I don’t think I would even  it for one more week. Just thinking about him, all those  smiling, loving and laughing memories. The man that showed me the world and loved me. Is now gone! I am so stupid to think I could have a normal life, be part of there family. I want to just end it now.

Mybe it wasn't my destiny to have my happily ever after, my tears was making it harder for me to see the road, suddenly a truck started to sway of his side of the road but I haven't seen it before it was to late the last thing i felt before everything whent black was pain soothing tru my body and that was the last thing before I lost to the darkness.h

Emmett pov

I just got this really bad feeling, so I went back home. I had to find Alex, and talk her in to becoming one of us. She is my world, my one true love I will love her forever and always. I can’t lose  her when I just got her in my arms. When I was home in could see that her motor bike  is gone.
I run inside to see everyone was worried about something. I just have to ask what is wrong «Carlisle what wrong» he was about to answer me when his work phone started to ring.

Carlisle-« Cullen what’s the emergency?...... ok I am on my way!» he hang up the phone. « young girl have been in a car accident white a truck, she is in critical condition» he kissed Esme on the cheek and run out of the house as fast as possible. I still had that uneasy feeling in the back of my head.
Just half an hour  after Carlisle had left, I got a call. I took the phone up to my ear and listen to the voice at the other end.
Are you Emmett Cullen?
Yes that is me.

You were signed up as Alex Grace Swan emergency contact. I am afraid to say she has been in a car accident. We don’t think she would make it.
Alex the love of my life have been in an accident and they are telling me that she won’t make it. Edward must have been reading my mind. He said to get in the cars and fast, but I was frozen . I couldn’t move. Rosalie have seen this, and she was pushing me out the door. She put me in the  in my jeep and started to speed to the hospital. When we got there is started to run in, all I can think about is that I can’t lose her. She is my world, I need her to be by my side. When I meet up with Carlisle I started to beg him, to save my one true love.
Emmett-« Carlisle I can’t lose her you have to turn her in to one of us! Please in beg of you!» He looked at me and I could see it in his eyes that he has already done what I was being him to do.

Carlisle –« Alex is already in my car. Teak her home , I know that she could not die. She is to important to us» I gave him a hug and run out the hospital door, and to Carlisle car and jumped  in it the driver seat and looked back in the back seat in could see Alex lying there. I started to drive home. When I got home I carried her to my room and laid her in my I mean our bed.
Now I just have to wait for my love to wake up.

Alex pov

All I could see was black I tried to scream but no sound came out, suddenly all I could see was white and I could hear voices around me and I felt someone stroking my hair and hold my hand that voice  and hand so familiar. Then I heard it that was the voice of my true love the man I love more than life itself.
Emmett–« Alex you have to wake up, I know it has only been 12 hours but I miss you so much my mate.» I know I had to wake up, I had to wake up for Emmett, for my lover. Slowly my eyes started to open, when they was open could I see Emmett with his head resting me at the same time he was holding my hand to his cold heart. I could see and hear everything so much better now. I took his middle finger in my hand, and he looked up.

Emmett –« baby are awake, I am sorry I had to turn you I couldn’t let you die.» he lied his hand on my check. And I could see all the love he had for my in his eyes.
Alex–« I love you always forever , now we can be together to the world never exist anymore.»
Emmett lined in and kissed me with some much love and passion. He pulled back so our noses was still touching.
Emmett –« I love you to forever always.»
Then he kissed me again. I guess I got my happily ever after.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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