There once lived a girl name Harry. Yes, she has a boys name. she was very sexually frustrated because she was.... well Harry... and HAIRY. She got called lots of names like Hairy the Barbarry. And yes I'm being serious. One day she got so sick and tired of the name calling and lost it. She ran to the store and bought all the waxing strips and sh*t like that. Then, she went around town and scouted out her victims. She would capture them, tie them up, then wax off EVERY INCH OF HAIR ON THEIR BODY including eyebrows and lashes. She would taunt them and call them "baldy sh*t face." They all screamed and begged her to stop. She didn't though she kept on waxing people and laughing her evil laugh "muhahahaha. How do you like getting called 'baldy sh*t face'?" she had some evil thoughts
(Bitch time out. those weren't evil thoughts. those were f#ckin' near murder actions. Do you know how much waxing hurts? its like getting little f#ucking evil poison dart elephant tranquilizer needles jabbed in to every hair follicle. Sh*t.)
Time in. Let me change evil thoughts to near murder actions. She was also thinking about shaving herself and making her "victims" choke on the hair.
One day she finally shaved like a normal person. Once she shaved, she actually looked some what nice but she had to shave everyday because of all the hair. She was still sexually frustrated because everyone looked so ugly without hair. So... she went to a sex toy shop xD and asked for a job. So she would get a discount ;D. She used that discount to give to the homeless and as torture devices ;). (F#ck you. F#ckin' ruining my sex toy shop scene. Damn!) she may or may not of used the discount for herself though. She bought herself some edible undies and edible other sex crap. (What kind of edible sh*t do the make? lmao! Don't they make flavored condoms? Yes, yes they do (; ) She was very satisfied after she got the job and she also met some cute guys. But they were all BALD!!! So she hated their faces, but one day a guy with HAIR came in. Like real hair. She spotted him and fell in love instantly. She walked up to him, kissed him and when he kissed back, she stuck her tongue down his throat. (What if she had a 3ft. long tongue?) Don't worry, her tongue is on 1.5ft. long. Then they got married and lived happily ever after. JK the died.
Lets Write a Story (Harry's Life)
HumorSo me and my friend got bored during science and wrote a story, we both took turns writing 1-6 sentences. The story is very... interesting and weird you could say, read it, don't read it... I don't really care. I'm just curious on how many reads we...