Magenta burst into her room and slammed the door behind her. Columbia jumped and turned her record player down.
"What was that about?" Columbia cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow.
"Oh, it was just the usual sibling fighting," Magenta brushed off the question.
"That guy's your brother!?" Columbia was shocked. How could someone so beautiful be related to someone like that?
"Yes, the man with the bald spot is my brother," Magenta nodded to her question as she responded. Magenta sat next to Columbia on her bed.
"What are listening to?" Magenta pointed to the vinyl.
"This? Oh, it's just some Bowie. The album's called Ziggy Stardust or somethin' like that," Columbia picked up the album cover,"it's real groovy, wanna listen with me?"
Magenta nodded and sat intently as she started the record over to the A-side. Columbia told Magenta all that she knew about David Bowie and how she wanted to be with him. Magenta frowned a little hearing how she wanted to be with Bowie.
"But I doubt it will ever happen," Columbia shrugged,"the guy's somewhere in England and I'm somewhere in Denton, USA."
Magenta let out a small sigh. Small enough so Columbia wouldn't notice. This girl is very cute, am I falling for her? Magenta contemplated on wether her feelings for Columbia are genuine. We'll have to see if this flourishes before I can jump into this. Columbia felt Magenta's eyes on her and it made her blush a little. Do you think she likes you, too, Columbia? No probably not, I mean we're just now getting to know each other. Come on, Columbia, snap out of this! Stop being so silly!
Magenta kept her eyes on Columbia as she listened to the album. She was hardly paying as much attention to the music as she was to the girl who was lying on the bed beside her. Is she blushing? Her face is getting quite red. If that's blushing, then she looks very sweet when she's blushing. Magenta started thinking softer and softer of Columbia and Columbia did the same of Magenta. They both started daydreaming of kissing and holding each other softly as "Soul Love" played softly on Columbia's record player in the background.
The Domestic Alien and the Human Groupie
Fanfica friend wanted some of that dank magenta x columbia fanfiction so im writing it for her a little warning: there is like one scene of just a really bad smut sex scene so if ur not into that kind of thing just skip over it as it isn't really crucial...