Chapter One

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It's been taking me forever to finish my social studies report. Forever. I'm not an idiot, but every time I glance over at my gaming console and the new RPG I picked up yesterday, I feel like my brain is going to explode. I already wasted too much time last night playing it. I know. I was late for school and everything because of that fucking ninja slash zombie game of awesome. But I want to play it!

"Rrr!" In a move of epic anger, I throw my pencil across my bedroom, only to realize I'm now forced to retrieve it. As I'm pushing around the clothes I've let pile up around the foot of my bed to find the damn thing, I hear my computer chime. It's Will. I know it is. My best friend has been hassling me for the last hour.

Growling under my breath, I take my now rescued pencil and turn to my desk, glaring at the computer screen to read his IM. 'Have you watched it yet?'

'No,' I type back, adding about ten exclamation points to hopefully get my point across that he's being a total perv and needs to let me finish my homework.

'Come on, Mike. It's totally freaky.'

Right, because that's going to make me click a link straight from my degenerate friend's hot little hands. Freaky. Will is beyond fucked up, and I have no interest in the warped shit he likes to watch on the web.

'I've got homework to do. Stop bothering me.'

He doesn't answer for a full minute, and a part of me winces as I reread my last IM. Yeah, Will's a total freak at times, but I'm also kind of his only friend. It takes a certain type of patience to put up with your computer being infected with five kinds of perverted tech STD's every time the kid comes over. Luckily Will is also a total nerd genius and can fix it after the fact, but from experience, having my mom find my computer frozen in a pornado, twice, has not been epic. It's been kind of shit. Especially the talks that followed about sex. Yes, talks with my parents about sex, including the hardcore perverted sick fuck stuff on the internet that I wouldn't even consider calling sex.

I suddenly don't feel bad if I've hurt Will's feelings and turn to return to my social studies homework. Naturally, my computer chimes, and I sigh loudly. Not that he can hear it.

'I'll stop bothering you if you watch the video.'

Jackass. 'Is there a particular reason you feel the need to expose my unbleeding eyes to the shit you like to watch?'

'Morbid curiosity. I will find something that gets you hard.'

Even if he did, there would be no way in fuck I'd admit to it. 'Freaking me the fuck out is not the way to go.' I point out, seeing his wicked grin and piercing blue eyes in my mind's eye. He can say all he likes that he's trying to break through my uptight prissy what-have-you defenses so I'll loosen up a bit, but I know he's just looking to fuck with my head. It's Will. He'd rather see someone sobbing on the floor traumatized than see them happy. There's a reason he has no friends.

'It's not that bad, I promise. It's just... Epic. This thing is totally epic. You need to see it.'

'If my virgin eyes melt out of my face because of this, I'm hunting you down, Young. Ninja style.' Zombie ninja style, and my gaze is moving back to my game that's waiting impatiently for me. Why the fuck am I wasting time talking to Will when I could be finishing my homework so I can play my game?

'If you don't end up jerking off to this video, I will personally come down and slap your virgin ass red, Mikey. Click the fucking link.'

'Fucking perv.' Will's perversion aren't confined by gender, or species, for that matter. My dread grows as I remember some of the fucked up shit I've caught glimpses of from between my fingers because of him. I sometimes wonder if I wouldn't have so many hang ups about sex if I didn't have such a fucked up best friend.

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