Summary of Chapters1-6

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                                                                           Chapter 1

Thirteen-year old Brian Robeson, the sole passenger on a small plane from Hampton, New York to the north woods of Canada, boards the aircraft excited at the notion of flying in a single-engine plane. After the novelty of the experience passes, Brian returns to his thoughts of his parents' recent divorce. Brian recalls the fights between his parents and his hatred for the lawyers who attempt to cheerfully explain to him how the divorce will affect his life. What Brian calls "The Secret" also enters his consciousness, and at this point we do not know to what "The Secret" refers. Brian feels the burn of tears come to his eyes, but does not cry, making certain to guard his eyes from the pilot, whose name Brian cannot exactly remember. He suspects it is Jim or Jake, a man in his mid-forties who has been virtually silent during the ride. Seeing Brian marvel at the complexity of the control panel in front of him, the pilot offers him a chance to fly the plane himself. Initially reluctant, Brian declines the offer. Upon the pilot's insistence, he takes the wheel and for a few minutes has complete control of the plane.

The pilot remarks on some pain in his shoulder as Brian once again recalls the details of the divorce. Brian's father knows that his mother wants a divorce, but his father has no idea why nor does he favor the split. The court has decided that Brian will live with his mother during the school year and with his father during the summer. The plane jerks, awakening Brian from his thoughts. He notices the smell of body gas in the plane and assumes the pilot had a stomachache. He also seems to be experiencing increasing pains in his shoulder and arm. The divorce one month behind him, Brian is heading north to visit his father and to bring him some special equipment from New York.

A mechanical engineer, his father has perfected a new drill bit for oil drilling. Brian recalls the long ride from the city to Hampton to meet the plane, during which Brian's mother had tried to convince him to tell her what was wrong, but he felt he could not tell her that he knew "the secret." When they had arrived in Hampton, his mother gave him a hatchet to use in the woods during the summer. Sensing that his mother felt particularly vulnerable, Brian had humored her by attaching the hatchet to his belt, where remained for the duration of the plane ride. Returning to the present to see the pilot jerk in his seat, Brian suddenly realizes the gravity of the situation. A jolt of pain barring his efforts to use the radio, the pilot jerks and flails in his seat while it becomes apparent to Brian that he is having a heart attack. Once the attack has ended and a frightening silence emerges, it takes many tense seconds for Brian to actually grasp what had happened. Seeing the whites of his eyes, Brian tries to comprehend the pilot's likely death, and to determine what action he must take, alone in a plane thousands of feet in the air.

Chapter 2

Brian feels immobile after the pilot's heart attack, due to his state of shock at the events of the plane ride. The plane has continued without any assistance from Brian or the pilot, and Brian suddenly realizes he must take control of the plane. Confused by the numerous dashboard controls, Brian seeks the controls for the radio. Reaching over the pilot to remove his headset, he bumps the wheel and must make a serious of corrections to right it again. He tries to use the radio to no avail, as he loses the signal before he can convey any useful information. Every ten minutes for the rest of the ride Brian again attempts and fails to establish contact. Attempting to envision a successful landing of the plane, Brian finds he has insufficient time to prepare. The plane engine dies suddenly, forcing him to land earlier than he had expected. He points the plane's nose down and vomits.

Chapter 3

Seeing only trees rather than lakes directly in front of him, Brian becomes convinced he will not survive the plane's descent. Finally he spots an L-shaped lake, uncertain whether he has enough speed to reach it. At that instant the plane hits the trees, shooting through them and landing on the lake. Water rushes over Brian, who screams and vomits during the descent, but he succeeds in unbuckling his seatbelt and swimming up to the surface. When he finally reaches the shore, Brian passes out from pain and exhaustion.

Chapter 4

In a semi-dream state, Brian vividly recalls every detail of the incident in which he discovers "The Secret." He had been riding his bike with his friend Terry when he saw his mother in a strange car, kissing a man with short blond hair. The hatred, anger, and astonishment that had swept over him at that moment return to him anew. Becoming conscious once again, Brian slowly absorbs the surrounding wilderness as the details of the plane crash rush back into his mind. His entire body aching from the injuries he has sustained during the crash, he falls quickly asleep. Awakening in a haze, Brian finds his survival of the plane crash almost unbelievable and quickly remembers the pilot's less fortunate fate. The mosquitoes in the area swarm around him and leave him with painful bites on every part of his exposed skin. Brian feels lucky to have survived the crash, and upon looking at the surrounding area, realizes how close a call it had been; he had just barely avoided a huge rock nearby. Contemplating the scenery and listening to the many sounds of nature surrounding him, he falls asleep once again.

Chapter 5

Gripped by unbelievable thirst and hunger upon awakening, Brian drinks water from the lake while trying to grasp the fact that he has landed in this complete wilderness. Reassuring himself with the hope that the searchers will come that day to rescue him, Brian recalls his old English teacher Mr. Perpich, who had repeatedly emphasized to his students the importance of a positive attitude, and Brian uses this memory to motivate himself against despair. Brian experiences the profound silence of the woods, noting that such silence never exists back in the city. In a sudden wave of despair Brian suddenly remembers that he had bumped the wheel when reaching over for the pilot's headset. This action had most likely rerouted the plane, and Brian begins to accept the fact that the search planes might not rescue him for a few days. Sensing imminent panic, Brian works to calm himself, determined to find something to eat and to make a shelter.

Chapter 6

Brian recalls the time he spent playing in the city park with his best friend Terry, who he suddenly wishes were with him. Together they had pretended they had gotten lost in the woods. They had built a lean-to for a shelter, which inspires Brian to seek out an ideal spot to build one himself. Finding a perfect overhang and gathering the materials to enclose the lean-to, Brian realizes the gravity of his weakness and hunger. He decides he must seek out food and compares the customary facility of finding food with the challenge of his current situation. Still dwelling on his parents' divorce, he decides he will tell his father "The Secret" as soon as he returns home. Brian finds some unfamiliar bright red berries to eat, which turn out to taste very bitter. However, left with little choice, he eats them until the pangs of hunger subside. Since Brian has no matches he must think hard about how to start a fire; for now, he works to improve his shelter by interweaving sticks into the walls. Although he feels sick from eating too many berries, sleep nonetheless comes to him.

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