Baby don't Cry (Hunhan story)

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Luhan was quietly sitting inside his room, staring at the desk calendar.

"Three more days." he sighed as he leaned his head on the table, his mind totally confused.

"Hannie hyung~" a voice called as he bit his lips to stop himself from crying.

He don't know what to do. He's confused and totally lost. He loves this person for him to kill him.

But if he didn't do it  he'll die.

Tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't do it! Not with the person he loves the most. The person who loves him despite of what's gonna happen to him.

"Fuck this curse! I shouldn't have been born! I shouldn't have met Sehun! I shouldn't have loved him! He'll die because of me. He's willing to die just to let me live. But I won't let that happen."  Luhan thought as he keeps himself from sobbing out loud. He knows that Sehun doesn't want him like this, but just thinking of Sehun he couldn't stop his heart from breaking.

He loves Sehun so much that he'll just let himself die insted than the young lad.

He just have to think of something to make Sehun somehow forget about the curse and the said day that he'll die.

Yes. He have decided.

He'll leave the moment Sehun fell asleep and let himself die and now he only have three more days to spend with his Sehunnie.

The door opened and the latter appeared with a smile on his face.

"Hyung~ Let's go out for bubble tea~" Sehun whined making Luhan laughed at his boyfriend's childishness that he'll sure miss.

"Arasseo~ Let's go Sehunnie." Luhan smiled and took Sehuns hand and went out of his room.

"Going on a date I see." Kris smirked obviously teasing the couple. "And so what if we are Ben Ben?" Luhan innocently smiled earning a scoff from his duizhang as the other members laughed. They all knew the M leader has no match for Luhan's insults, still the duizhang tried.

"We'll go out for a while~" Sehun sang with his lisp. Another thing Luhan will miss about Sehun.

"Okay! Be careful you two!." Suho smiled. "We will! Bye guys!" the couple bid as they went out of the house.

As the door closes Suho's smiled dropped and faced the other members.

"Three days. Luhan only have three more days left." Suho softly said.

The members only looked at the floor not knowing what to do. They love Luhan like a family and the thought of him leaving them was too much for them to handle. If only there's a way to remove that curse they'll do it just for Luhan to live much longer. He's too young to die. But most of all they're thinking of Sehun. They're sure that Sehun will be much more devastated than they'll be when Luhan die.

"Let's make his last three days worth while." Kris spoke still wearing that bitch face, but deep inside he's also hurting. As a member, as a brother, as a family.

"Yeah. I agree with Kris." Suho smiled.

The members looked at each other ans nodded their heads.

"We'll make you happy till the end Luhan."


The members, true to their words did make Luhan happy for the past two days and few hours of his life.

But the dreadful day still came and they all knew they can't escape it. They all prayed that Tao's ability to control time is real then they'll ask him to stop the time so that their beloved member won't have to go.

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