Chapter 1 “What was that?”
The City
It was on a cold winter night when it all happened. There was a big crash in the Distance, and everyone going crazy. It was the night of the meteor. It was last month since this meteor came down and struck the earth with such great force that it started to rip out the tree’s and throw them against houses. People started to think it was a nuclear bomb, but it wasn’t. I was outside to see the big flaming ball hit the ground, and when it hit the ground, I ran inside the house and got down in the bomb shelter. Then it came. The big crash that tore my house apart and destroyed everything ended with a few seconds. My neighbor Luna came to my house after the big blast had happened. I walked upstairs to see what had happened to my living room and then to see some person come and hug me. I was so startled when she did. I almost forgot what had even happened. “Do…do you know what happened?” asked Luna, I had to think because I didn’t remember that much. The blast made me a little disoriented
“I…I don’t know” I said “Nicolai have you even seen my brother?” asked Luna “I…I am right here sister” said Keba “are you ok?” asked Luna all worried “I…I am fine I think” said Keba “for gods sake Keba what happened to your head?” I asked “What do you mean?” he asked “you have a big cut on your forehead” said Luna “oh that was only because I didn’t get in my shelter fast enough and got hit with a tree branch” said Keba as they stood there in complete silence and then they heard something very unpleasant it was people screaming and crying for help “Oh my god is that the city?” I asked “I…I think so” said Luna “Should we go and help them?” asked Keba “No my guess is that the city is in total chaos and people are starting to kill each other for their money houses and electronics” I said “lets go back into Nicolai’s shelter under his house” said Luna “was meinst du?” (What do you mean?) I asked “I mean let’s go back to your shelter because you have all the weapons that we can defend ourselves with” said Luna “but I only have one weapon and it is a collectable that my dad gave me before he died” I said. “Does it still work?” asked Keba. “No the last time we tried to shoot it…it almost broke and we had to get new parts for it” I said “what do you mean it is broken and it can’t work?” asked Luna. “I mean that the gun won’t work because it is so old” I said. “Do you really think that they will come out here and try to raid us for our stuff?” asked Keba. As they stood there thinking they thought that they should go and start getting supplies for a fire and food because they figured that they wouldn’t have any power because the meteor was a little close to where they lived. “Let’s go grab some supplies before we start to freeze in this cold night” said Keba. “Good idea Keba” said Luna. “Ok so you guys go and get the fire wood and ill stay here and keep people from attacking us and stealing our stuff” I said before they left. “That is a very good idea Nicolai good thinking” said Keba. As they walked away I noticed that there was a deeper cellar from where they had been then I thought to myself (there must be a whole cave or mineshaft) so he opened it and he was hit with a whole bunch of stale wind (cough…cough) “wow that was a lot of stale wind” I said to myself. As he walked into the cellar he herd something upstairs so he quickly shut the cellar and put something on top of it “Nicolai you still here” asked Luna as she came down the stairs. “Yes I’m still down here” I said still sitting in the chair above the hidden cellar “Why the chair there is instead of over here?” asked Keba. “Because I have something to show you guys” I said as I started to move the chair “ah step back you can see from there” I said (what is wrong with Nicolai) thought Luna then there was a big sigh from all of them “where did that come from?” asked Luna. “I don’t know it was just here when I came down here” I said. As we they started to wonder what is down there then finally Luna broke the silence “what do you think is down there?” she asked then there was more silence then Kiba broke the silence “hey do you hear that?” asked Kiba “no I don’t hear…” then they heard it there was a sound like someone was upstairs so they all hid behind things they could find.