My Guardian Angle

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This is my Story. My encounter with my Guardian Angle. Inbox me yours, and I'll post them on here! Please make them long though! And if you have any questions, or concerns ask me! I'm more than happy to help!


It all started when I was little. My family had lived in our house in North Carolina for about 10 years before I was born. There was a cemetery 2 houses down from us, where my great grandmother and great grandfather was buried(if that helps make since of anything). When I was little my grandmother (I lived with her and my mom) Use to tell me id sit in out hallway and talk. When she'd ask me who I'd always say a "good friend". At the time it was just a regular Hallway with a bed room on the left end of it and a bathroom on the right end of it. I continued to talk to my friend through all of my childhood. He went everywhere with me. Then things started getting odd. I would tell my grandmother and mom about him. That he was a tall, strong yet weak looking man. And that he stayed in our attic. We have a pretty good sized attic, but no one can enter it, because te entrance is at the top of the back bedrooms closet, in the hallway. It was too small for anyone to fit anyway. On the outside of our house, there's a window, Thats busted now from playing baseball as a kid, but you can see through it somewhat from the ground. I would always tell them there's something in there. (not referring to him). And They never believed me. They just said it was my

Imagination. Pretty soon we got a venalator in our hallway and we had to cut a closet in there on the right side. There was a small spot to sit, then the rest of the room was taken from the machinery. I started to sit in there and talk to him. This went on for maybe 3 years.

Then one year at my cousins 2nd Birthday, we were taking pictures and having a good time. All of the kids (including me, being 6 years old) lined up infront of the cake and presents, and my uncle snapped a photo. Later that night we were looking at the photos, and in the back in the photo right beside me stood a blurry shadow of a man. You could make out most of his features but not enough to identify him. My aunt showed everyone who had been at the party, asking them who he was, none of them knew. They swore up and down that he wasn't there and no one had saw him. Then when my aunt showed me the photo I told her that was my friend.

Since then he started to make more of an appearance in my life. I had recieved a swing set for my birthday an I would sit outside being pushed. By nothing.

I would also sit in the living room and draw pictures, then later hang them on our fridge. One afternoon on our fridge, I had 2 pictures I had colored and one my friend had colored. The odd part is, on the bottom of the drawing, it says the word "David". (i still have the picture today. No one knows who he is or who colored it.) My family questioned me about it, an I told them he was coloring with me. Then they soon became worried and started making me stay out of the closet. And would yell at me when I was talking to him. They would say that's he wasn't real an I needed to stop lying so much. From there he was known as David to me.

After a few weeks of that something happened that I'll never forget. I can still remember it today like it was 10 seconds ago. And my body goes numb every time. One night I had woken up at 2 am or so. I had slept with my mom that night. Every time I think about this I can remember the feeling I got laying in the bed that night. It was different than what I had ever felt and I was scared. I tried to wake my mom several times but she would get up. Then I called for david. Usually when I did, he would be there and make me feel better. I can't remember much of the things we talked about but I do remember him always telling me it would be okay. No matter what was happening. If I was percectly fine he would tell me to never worrie. That everythig would be okay.

Anyways I don't remember much of what happened after that. I do remember seeing a black shadow at the doorway of the hall. It had it's hand out pointing out at me. (our bed was on the far side of the wall, where you could see the hall closet and the door way out of the hallway.) After that all I remember is waking up in our attic. It was cold. Probably below 0 degrees. That's one thing I'll never forget. How cold it was. It wasn't cold like it would be in Antarctica. It was a different kind of cold, yet a burning sensation. I cant explain it but I can defiantly remember the feeling. I remember walking around the attic, most of it was dirty and rotten away. There were weeds and bugs everywhere. And in the conor of it was a set of bunk beds. Last summer my uncle had to climb up into the attic, to fix the window because of the air, and questioned the bunk beds as well. To this day we don't know who they belonged to or how they got up there. They would never be able to fit. I remember walking around the small space, then turning to the window. I walked up to it, looking through the window. And all I saw was the ocean. Then I felt a warm hand touch my should and something whisper "it will be okay." I'll never be able to explain the feeling of terror yet comfort I had that day. The problem was there was not a beach outside of my house. There were nothin but trees and another old house. After that I remember waking up beside my mom in bed. She was holdin me tightly. I asked her what was wrong and she said I had been crying in my sleep all night and saying that "It will be okay." she asked me what I mention, and I just shook her question off. I never told my "dream" or even if it was a dream, to anyone.

Today, I'm 15 years old and I still live in the same house. Ive had very few insadents with any paranormal activity since that night. But every time I feel like something is gonna go wrong I get this feeling that I'll be okay. Like someone is there, comforting me. I always feel like someone is there, even when I'm alone. I have to say I've been through a rough child hood. My parents are both in prison and my siblings stay with their dad. I don't get a chance to see any of them, but when I think about them, I get that feeling of comfort again.

I've tried searching up the records in this house. It pulls all the way back to 1911, and says an old man, his wife and their son lived here long ago a few years after they built it. And that one of them had died in the house. That's all. It never said who though. They moved out soon after the death. Then towards the bottom of the site, they had a picture of the family infront of the house. And in the direct middle of the adults stood a tall, strong yet weak, looking man, with his arms around the elders.

I'll never forget my encounter with the spirit. Personally I believe it was my guardian angle. I've always believed in mythical, torturestrial, and spiritual things. And I have no reson not too. I know "David" is with me every second of the day.

I can feel it.


I hope you enjoyed my storie. It's something I'll never forget.


Love you guys! (:


White Mountains Creature

(BLIZZ3RD88's Story)

I was camping at a National Forest campground in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. On night, my wife and daughter had fallen asleep, and I was sitting by the fire when I heard a noise...

This was different than the usual bear grunt. It was more like someone sneaking in the trees. I immediately grabbed the flashlight. What I saw haunts me even now. I saw a being in the trees. It was naked. It looked gray. And this sounds crazy, but it looked like a person, but not really. It was hunched down, very muscular and its legs were backward, like a bird's.

Then it quickly turned and bounded off down the hill. I couldn't even follow it with my light. We left the next day. We went back to the same campground this year. Back to the same site. Again, I stayed up late poking the fire and reading. It was maybe one or two in the morning when I heard a noise. I shined the light in that direction. That same creature, being, whatever, was there. It looked exactly the same as I'd remembered from last year. It just sat there, crouched at the small tree line that separates the campsites. I slowly walked toward it. I tried not to make any threatening moves or gestures. I got to within 20 feet when it just jumped backward and disappeared. It looked like it might be five to six feet high if it stood up. It was definitely gray. It had human features, but more leathery. And its face was very wide. Its eyes were so big, and, even though they reflected light, they still looked black, like two intensely black marbles. Its legs were very muscular, but turned backward. I know what I saw. It was real.


Phantom Campers

(Alkeras233's Story)

Me ad my friend Todd were camping at a cabin in the Upper Peninsula Of Michigan. We were waiting for a few other friends to arrive when they had an unexplained experience...

At about 9:30 p.m., it was getting dark, and we were beginning to worry about Randy and Tommy. Only a few moments later, we saw car lights at the front of the cabin. We were in the middle of nowhere, so it had to be them. We heard the car doors open, heard Randy and Tommy as plain as day. I yelled. "We're on the deck." The car doors closed, we heard footsteps rounding the corner... and at the point that someone would have rounded the corner... it was silent. I looked at Todd. He was looking at me. It was quiet. I yelled, "Hey, Randy. Hey, Tommy." We got up and walked around front, and... nothing. No car, no people, no sound. Ninety minutes later, the phone rang. It was Todd's mother calling to inform us that at 9:30 that evening, a fatal traffic accident involving Randy and Tommy took place 30 miles from the cabin. It's almost as if they just wanted to keep our tradition alive.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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