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Ok so this is my first Viktor and Yuri Fanfic so please go easy on me :)  Alright if you like please vote and comment and tell me what you think. XD 

Also I take requests so just message me and I will try to get out with one asap XD XD

Thank you guys for reading 

Yuri POV 

      So me and Viktor have been living together for almost 8 months and it feels like a week. Forever wouldn't be long enough with him. He makes me feel like I'm actually worth something. I love him, but I have yet to tell him. He is already quite affectionate

     I love being around him he makes my whole day light up. Even during practice he gives me tips now like a real coach he is less of a Baka now. He is actually starting to act like a coach now but at the same time that scares me. It means I might l not be able to compete against him. That was my dream as a kid. Though it is amazing to be living with him the fear of not being able to compete against him is far worse.

    I was still in shock from when Viktor offered to move to Japan with me. We haven't been living here long but we got an apartment together, outside of my parents  hot springs. I love my parents but I didn't want my parents living with Viktor and I forever. Honestly its nice living with just Viktor, though with certain things he can be quite annoying. 

    My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. I put the book that I wasn't reading down. I got off of my bed that was in the same place as the room at my parents place. Now that I think about it my entire room was the same as the room at my parents place. Well I did move all my stuff.(Not including my posters of Viktor) I got to the door and, opened the door to see Phichit smiling his usual happy smile. I was surprised to see him all the way here in Japan.  I was even more surprised to see that Viktor let him in.   "Hi Yuri"

   "Hi, how did you find where we live?" I asked nervously

     "I haven't seen you in months and that's all you have to say to me" He chuckles asking sarcastically. I gave him a small smiled in return. 

       "Sorry it's just surprising is all" I replied with a nervous smile. "Honestly I thought you were Viktor coming to tell me you were bored but it was kind of a shock seeing you there" I chuckle. I look up and push my glasses up. "Speaking of V-Viktor do you happen to know where he is?" I asked nervously.

     "Oh he was leaving as I was coming into the building, He said to tell you that he was gonna go get some food for dinner" He smiled as he relayed the message. I sighed. At least he wasn't trying to cook it. Last time he did that he almost burnt the apartment building to the ground. Not that many people live here but still. He likes my cooking after all. I realised that all I had been thinking about for the past few moments was Viktor. My eyes widened in horror as the sudden realisation hit me like a ton of bricks. "Yuri are you alright?" Phichit asked a hint of worry were in his words.

       "Yeah I'm fine just spaced off for a minute. Sorry!" I quickly apologised. I felt my face start to heat up. I pushed past him. "Sorry do you want water or tea or something? I asked frantically. I started opening the cupboards looking for tea to hopefully calm my nerves. I finally found it and then started to make a cup of tea. 

    I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped and took a deep breath and then looked to see Phichit looking at me. My anxiety was bad anyway but this wasn't helping. I saw his lips were moving and I could hear a slight sound but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying. I could almost pass out that was until I heard his voice. "Yuri, are you ok?" He looked at me eyes staring as though I would have disappeared at any moment. I had taken a deep breath before slumping to the floor. "Yuri do you want to talk about it?" He asked sitting next to me. "Or rather do you need to talk about it?" He looked at me sympathy in his eyes. 

    That was one the things I liked about him was that he was always there and always tried to help even if he didn't understand the situation himself. "I think I'm in love Viktor" I blurted out.  I realised what I said and looked down almost immediately. I knew I was in love with him I just was afraid of him actually finding out.  

     "That's what you're so worked up about?" He chuckled. I nodded. "Honestly I wouldn't get so worked up about it if I were you" I looked at him with confusion. 

   "Why do you say that?" I asked worried that I might just have been overthinking the whole situation. I looked at the apartment and as soon as I looked at the hallway near Viktor's room Makkachin came and sat in front of me and comforted me. For some reason it felt like he was telling me it was going to be ok.

   "I say that because I think that you shouldn't worry to much about it because when the time is right you will tell him and I will be there for you no matter what." I looked over at him. That was the best thing I had heard and I really needed to hear it.

    "Thank you" I replied I needed to thank him. He gave me a warm smile.

      "So about that cup of tea..."

       "Yeah yeah I'm on it" I stood up and started this time not in a panic.

Ok guys so that was the first chapter I would love to know if I should continue it and if I do I think I'm gonna make it a slow moving Fanfiction just without all heart break. 

Thank you guys for reading :)

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