Kidnapped or Captured

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"Ahh so you've finally decided to show yourself have you?" Said a short young women with snowy white pixey cut. She appeared to be wearing combat boots, black pants with a simple black long sleeved shirt. As she spoke a women wearing what appeared to be a set of Tyken armor, though she hoped she was wrong seen as Tyken armor is highly illegal and incredibly dangerous with its ability to disappear from even the most technologically advanced security systems the Nemesis or any one for that matter could buy and the fact it's bullet proof and one of the most technologically advanced suits of armor ever built is another reason why its illegal.
"It's to powerful for anyone to have. Especially the rogue criminal standing in front of me" The Corporal thought.  She saw her walk out from a corner that had been engulfed in shadows, but as of now is pointless seen as though she had been spotted.
"So any sort of surprise attack is now useless. Great" The other women thought sarcastically.
"You know, I really wish you would just surrender, it'd be much easier on me if I didn't have to pay for new crew everytime you came aboard my ship and make a mess of them. You know how expensive it gets since I know you spy on my ship" The cloaked women remarked.
"You know I can't do that" sneered the armor clad women.
The white haired woman proceeded to move to a more lit part of the room, as she did she noticed a desk with a couple of cushioned chairs next to it and what appeared to be a high powered handgun of some sort. "Only a handgun," She sighed." All well it'll have to do, might be useful later." She thought.
"I'm terribly sorry for your loss but it's not my fault if your crew decides to get in my way, you really should just get rid of them, there not very good at there job" The armored women spoke.
"Get rid of MY crew, why the hell would I do that so you can kill me, take my ship and wreck havoc on the damned outer rim?" Spat the Corps officer. The officer looked at her as if expecting a response, and to her dismay she got one.
"It was only a suggestion no need to get so moody and for the record I would never do anything so horrible." She spoke with a look of mock hurt. The Corporal looked at her as if she were crazy, which given the whole situation where the women in armor had snuck on her ship and is trying to take over, she probably was.
"Oh this women is so damn frustrating the Corporal thought. She comes on to my ship, then says I need a new crew the gawl in this women," she thought angrily.
While she was having her inner monulouge the other women decided to take a chance an get the rifle from the corner.
"Hmm if I can just get that rifle I can hold her hostage until I can get my ship back from the brigade, and perhaps the Corps officer can be of use to me." she thought with an evil grin. The Corporal saw this and was a bit creeped out wondering what kind of horrible things she could be thinking about.
"My dear would you mind telling me your name?"she asked innocently
"Why the hell should I do that? Hmm so what? You can use it to steal information about what corps I'm in? Or who controls the ship so you can take over?
"I would never do such a dispicable thing!" It would be far to tedious, plus I already know what corps your in and who's in charge Corporal." She said whilst slowly inching hopefully without the captain noticing closer to the rifle which was about seven feet away. She noticed the other women was watching her but if she could just keep her distracted long enough for her to get it, she will be able to one; the most important one to her anyway is get her ship back, and two the second most important thing to her. Her bounty which including disabling The Nemesis and kidnapping the Corps officer of this ship. Who by the way is the one she's currently speaking to. "What luck, to be in the same room with the person I'm supposed to kidnap and deliver to the the most dangerous planet in the outer space district, Earth." She thought evilly." But first I need to get that gun, and since all my weapons were on my ship, which right now is being held in there Docking bay. which I clearly was able to escape the NEMISE'S high security scanner. The Nemise being the ship I'm currently on. Thanks to my anti-security program. Now I just need to distract her long enough to get that gun." She thought
"It's not really that big of a secret you know." She said with a smug look on her face. The rifle was now about three feet away. As she continued inching closure to the weapon she decided on trying to get more information out of the women before her. Unfortunatly the Corporal knew exactly what she was doing seen as she had been watching her the whole time and concluded she was trying to get to her gun. Unbeknown to the other women the weapon was designed specifically for the officer only so when she touches it she will get an intense electrical shock thoughout her body which other then causing considerable pain to the offender would then paralize them for a period of four to five hours depending on the size of the person. Even though she has Tyken armor it can still paralize them but only for a small amount of time since the armor has a healing procedure for anyone in the suit of armor to quickly bring them back if paralized or unconsious. "I'll have to get the armor off quickly so she doesn't have any chance at escaping. So with that thought in mind she continued to play along to the women's half hearted attempts at getting information.
Continuing to watch the Corporal whilst dostracting her with half hearted attempts at extracting information. Two feet left, if now was a time to get the gun procede with her plan of getting the ship and getting the girl now was the time. With that in mind she sprung for the gun, not even paying attention to the fact that the other women just stood there smiling with a look of triumph in her dark blue eyes.
As she reached for the handgun she vaguely wondered why she hadn't been stopped but put that thought aside as she grabbed the gun then proceeded to point it at the Corporal officer.
"Well it seems our little playdate is at an end don't you agree Corporal?"
She said with a look of satifaction on her face as she can now get her beloved ship back and finally complete the bounty. As she continued to point the gun at her she noticed her hands seemed to be loosing feeling in them and she started to worry that something wasnt right with the gun because it couldn't be the armor since she design it an she knew there was nothing wrong with it. The numbing sensation was getting worse, there was also the beginning of a sharp pain starting in her hands where she held the gun and progressing to the rest of her body.
"Is something wrong Wynter?" She asked not really expecting an answer as the shock should have paralized her face by now.
Wynter fell to the ground in tremendous pain and the fact she was being paralized and could know longer stand.
Walking over to the falling rogue bounty hunter she wrapped her hands around Wynter's chin and forced her to look at her. She wanted to make she wasn't faking it and was able to check by her eyes which if you looked closely you could make out a faint glow in them to let the other person know it worked.
"Don't worry I'm just checking to make sure your really paralized and not pretending to try an fool me." "Oh and if your still want to know my name its Christina." She said then laughed as she saw a look of hatred in Wynter's eyes which looked similar to hers blue ones but lighter for ruining her plan and possibly every plan after that.
"Christina" was the last thing she heard as the pain was to great and she fell unconsious, even though she had a healing mechanism in her suit it was to slow to really be of help.
"Well that went better than I ever could have imagined." She spoke aloud. She then proceded to leave the room an head to the communcation center to tell her commanding officers that she caught the Rogue bounty hunter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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