Chapter 16

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              2 MONTHS LATER.....

    My life has been going great, Dorian makes me feel like a true princess! Me and Honesty talked about the whole Dorian situation and she apologized for it seeming like she disliked him, so now we just as tight as can be, I'm out of Mr.Miles biology class and now have a female teacher, Mrs.White and my brother also called me and told me that he'll be home NEXT MONTH, that's the beat news ever, I miss my brother more than anythingggg!!!

      Today makes 2 months and 4 days since me and Dorian have been together and he STILL haven't met my parents. Well, my mom knows about him and has seen pictures of him but she ha ent met him personally and as far as my dad goes, im kind of scared to let my dad meet Dorian only because I'm his little princess and no man would EVER be good enougbt for me, just like no woman is good enough for my brother let my mom tell it. Anyways my parents were finally going to meet Dorian because he wanted me to spend the weekend with him.

    My mom didn't have a problem with me going over Dorian house because she knew his dad and his dad was super strict. I didnt even know she had knew his dad but apparently they worked together before in the law firm business, but my dad flipped out. I told him he would just have to meet Dorian for himself and I also promised the he would love Dorian. So Dorian bet not make me regret what I promised to my daddy.

    When Dorian arrived me and my mom were on the kitchen talking until I heard Dorian saying " Aye man, chill, can you let me go?"

   When me and my mom got to the living room we couldn't do nothing but laugh as my dad had Dorian pinned to the wall checking him and patting down his clothes.

   "Okay dad. He's clean, let him down now. " I said as I seen Dorian not talking the joke to funny.

    "Just had to make sure, my baby can't go nowhere with a bad guy"

"Really dad, bad guy? please don't say that anymore"

"*chuckles* okay baby, I'm going to trust you on this guy and give yoh the benefit of the doubt. If you like him, then he's alright with me. "

"Yea, me too" my mama said adding on her 2 cents.  "Have fun, but not too much. We trust you Asia, don't let us regret it" she added on. I looked over at my dad to see him giving me the death stare as if he was warning me not to screw up.

It grew quiet for a quick minute and I took that as an opportunity to leave, before my dad starts to hammer Dorian with questions because at first they were only grilling me.

   I kissed my mom and dad then grabbed Dorian hand as we left the house.

   " Byeee, Nice to meet you guys. " Dorian said right before I shut the door.

   Once we got on the car or seemed like Dorian had an attitude for some odd reason, I hope he wasn't still tripping over my dad pinning him up, I mean it was only a joke. I had tried to hold his hand while he had one hand on the wheel and he snatched away from me and when I asked what was wrong with him he ignored me and just turned the radio up full blast. I wasn't feeling that. So I turned it back down.

  " Look D idk what's wrong with you, but if toy gone have and attitude you can take me right back home" I told him.

"Girl be quiet ain't nobody got an attitude"

"So why can't I hold you hand? "

"Cus I'm tryna drive dumb nut, you wanna hold my hand here, hold it" he said while putting his hand towards me to grab it. " Hold it!!! so I can crash and we can die!!"

"Ugh nevermind, I don't even want to now, and don't call me dumb nomore."

"Yea whatever"

   We were driving in silence since he haven't turned the music back up since I cut it down, so I took it upon myself to turn the radio up, it was tooo quiet.  Soon as I went and reached for the radio, he smacked my hand like a was a little kid or something. I looked at him like he was crazy.

" Boy don't ever smack my hand like that, you starting to take my kindness for weakness and its gone get you smacked!"

" You really starting to irritate me dawg, just shutup. Besides you shouldn't be touching my stuff, I don't touch to stuff. "

"Whatever just drive. "

     When we got to his house, no one was there but me and him, once on the house I went to his room put my overnight bag on the side of the bed and laid down to watch some tv, while Dorian was in the shower. I was hoping when he got out the shower he had a different attitude because I wasn't about to deal with him being.irritating and pickering over every little thing...

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