Chapter 1

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Annabelle stood looking out the massive window in Xavier's office. This is the view that she loved, her city below her and her husband to her back the view from her husband's office was her favorite thing in the world. Anna spent a lot of her time since she started going out with Xavier in this room. Every time he worked late she would come and sit with him and even before they got married she would come and be with him. She remembered the first time she came it was the day he opened headquarter office. He picked this location because she had said that the view would be amazing and she had helped Xavier with everything from start to finish, this had been the way she had learned how to run a business. She had always been there with Xavier since the first day they talked in the library and now as she looked out the window to their beautiful view as she wiped the tears off her cheeks trying to calm herself down.

"Annabelle please look at me." She saw him take a few steps in the reflection and then stop running his hand thru his hair. "Annabelle I have loved you from the moment I saw you it's just I am tired of this situation..."

"Spit it out Xavier... I am tired of you going around in circles." She bit her lip and wiped her cheeks taking a deep breath, he would not destroy her.

"I want this to end... I just can't anymore. I have a business trip to London for five months and I will send the divorce papers while I am there you can read over them and we can sign them when I come back and I will move out of the house you can keep it." He was staring out the window as he spoke to her taking deep breaths.

Annabelle stood up straight and straighten her clothes. She took a deep breath and walked to the white couch at the center of the room. The white couch she had spent countless nights on waiting for him to finish projects for them to go out only to end up asleep on it and having him carry her down to the car so they could go home and sleep. She picked up her purse and turned to leave feeling like she couldn't keep going.

"Please Annabelle I am so sorry."

"Xavier don't mock me... I have stood by you for ev... you made a choice and now you have to live by it please do not come to me expecting me to forgive you and say everything is fine because it is not! "Anna stood between his office in the hallway holding on to the door she could not help the sob that escaped from her and she was him take a step forward as she looked back at Xavier one more time. "Goodbye Xavier and good luck with your life."

As Xavier watched her walk out and close the door he felt his resolve leave him and his heart shatter and he whispered. "I am so sorry Annabelle but I can't give you what you want most in this world and I will not take being able to be a mother away from you." He felt his breath leave him so he kneeled on the floor and placed his head between his legs.

Of course Xavier loved her, he loved her more than anything he had. He would give up everything to be with her. It was simple she was his life and nothing would ever measure up to her. From the moment he had seen her he had known in his heart that she was the person he wanted to spend the rest of her life with. The only reason he had decided for the divorce was because after six months of trying and failing for a baby and seeing the disappointment in her face he had gotten some test done without her knowing and had found out that it was close to impossible for him to have kids.

From the moment he met Annabelle he knew she wanted to be a mom one day because she had a small family and so she wanted a big family and he was not going to get in the way of that even if it meant him being depressed and lonely for the rest of his life.

As Annabelle drove up to the house she couldn't hold herself together anymore and she slammed on the brakes of her white Audi R8 in front of her house and just stopped. She could not believe what was happening after everything they had gone thru how could Xavier just end things with her. Like if she was just anybody, like if she meant nothing to him. She looked at the house they had made their home. They had spent so many nights together picking stuff out and she remembered the day he showed her the house.

"Annabelle I like this one." He held up a packet that held a beautiful house on the cover.

She immediately loved the way it looked and she opened the packet. "Oh come one Xavier this is too much!" she laughed knowing that he wanted a big house and family for her.

"No it is not Annabelle..." he said laughing because he knew the house was massive.

She raised her eyebrows at him. "Ok let us go down the list by floors. The first floors has two huge living rooms, one dining room, one breakfast patio, one huge kitchen which I must admit I love, 3 restroom, entrance room and a library. Then the second floor has seven bedrooms all with restrooms and then the third floor has a huge bedroom with a restroom and a study." She raised her eyebrows at him and laughed. "Come on this is way to big babe."

He laughed and pulled her into his lap kissing down he neck. "Think about it Annabelle we need a bedroom for us and then we each need an office and then that leaves four rooms one for each of our kids... then the top can just be a guest floor baby." He kissed her engagement ring. "We are just two right now Anna but soon it will be us plus some really attractive babies. You know you have always wanted a big family." He kissed her neck and then her cheek.

"So this Cheaper by the Dozen house is ours?"

Xavier laughed hard and stared at Annabelle. "How did you know this house was based on that one?"

"I know everything baby." She kissed his cheek and smiled. "Ok let's get this big beautiful house baby."

"Yes!" he pulled her tighter into him. "I love...!"

"You to baby!" she laughed.

Ever since the first time they said I love you they had finished it for each other because the first time Annabelle said it Xavier was so excited that he finished the sentence for her and that became the little thing they did.

Anabelle cried in the car until Amanda the maid that had been with Xavier since he was a boy ran out in the rain and pulled her into the house as one of the men parked her car.

"Anabelle are you okay..."

"He asked me for a divorce... Amanda... he doesn't want me anymore..." she sobbed into Amanda's shoulder as she rubbed her back.

"No Anabelle no way... there has to be a reason. You are his life and he loves you more than anything in this world..."

"I guess at the end of the day it was not enough..." Anabelle stood and walked into the restroom and emptied out everything in her stomach.  

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