Wizard101: The Journey Starts

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Hi i am Christopher and i am 14 years old. But u would suspect to be a normal human who lives their life on Earth. But yes i did live there, now i am a wizard in Wizard City. Let me tell you my story. (A LONG PAUSE)...

(Sun Rises and Christopher's mom yells) Honey! Get up your gonna be late for your first day of school. My mom looked pretty mad at me but i didn't care i got up and left for school. School was always like this for me, i walk in and people swarm at me and start to pick on me. I hated my class everyone hated except my 2 friends Joseph and Calamity. Joseph had the brains. He was smart and always got things right. On the other hand Calamity was different she was nice but she always talks about things happening things that would scar me. But who could blame her she practically has no family or friends. Anyways as the day went on i kept getting a feeling something bad was happening like something that is unexplainable. The day ended so i walk home and i see this odd figure with some odd staff, sceptor. I was standing there wondering who it was. Then he casted a magic spell that i didn't know was there. When i saw it i thought i was dreaming, but i wasn't it all happened. The guy turned around and told me his name. Young wizard i am Malistaire. I thought to myself and was like Malistaire is that foreign but then he interrupted my thinking and continued and said stand aside and i might let u live. I didn't move i was too weirded out. He shot s fireball at me but it didn't hit me an old guy with an owl saved me. I was like woah thx. He casted a force field like spell he said come with me Young wizard. Then we came came to...

(More in my next book) :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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