Dr. Neil Strutter founder of Machine Tech Co. Him and his team of scientists and engineers made the first ever SlaveBot January 5th, 2025, Ten years later in 2035 over 106.3 million people across America had a SlaveBot in their homes. Cleaning, cooking, washing you name it they'd do it. But for Strutter this wasn't enough. By 2035 he had managed to create a Humanoid with a conscious mind. A living robot.However nobody wanted to know, the thought of Robots capable of learning and doing their own things scared everyone and Strutter was told to destroy his work, project and his creation. 5 years on and over half of the world had a SlaveBot in their homes.... or so they thought.
Dr. Neil Strutter own creation turned on him and murdered him, it then created a synthetic appearance identical to Strutter and began to implant each and every SlaveBot with its own mind.
It wasn't long until they retaliated and started attacking humans. They even designed other robots; some capable of smashing cars and buildings and others that could fire rockets and bullets out of their arms. It was a long, deadly battle between Mankind and AI, but we lost.
The war still continues. Robots still destroy and we still fight.
Science FictionWelcome to 2080. Life as you Know it no longer exists. Humans no longer rule the world... They do.