『omake』: arrangement time

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this extra occurs during winter break; after chapter 72: winter time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

Meeting my parents was one thing, having a to go to a party of theirs was another.

Especially if it meant that I'd be surrounded by the people they're doing business with.

I heaved a sigh, after everything that happened in Class E wherein I could finally show my true colors, having to put on that goody-two-shoes façade was something I hated more than anything.

And of all things that I could be in, it just had to be this goddamned formal party.

I wasn't even allowed to use my phone, dammit. I swear sometimes etiquette could go to hell.

"Iroha, please bear with it. I just really want you to meet this boy" my mom told me, and I looked at her agape trying to keep my sanity in check.

Did she just admit that she made me come here, in this damned place, to hook me up?

'What kind of mother does that?', I gave her a look and she immediately waved me off.

"Oh please, don't give me that look".

"Mom, I'm just worried that someday you'd marry me off to those rich snobs" I told her, trying my best not to sound rude. "If you're trying to match me up with a shitty ass rich kid who thinks he could do anything as long as he has the money, then please count me the fuck out".

So much for trying not to sound rude, my subconscious must've rolled her eyes at me.

"Hush, language" she brushed me off and I sighed.

I love my mother, but sometimes she just does the craziest things (and gets me caught up in them).

Time for Plan B, then: the truth. Though, she'd probably go ballistic if she knew.

"Mom, I'm already going out with---".

"Ah, Kozue-san, there you are" her friend, a mercury-eyed woman dress in formal clothing, cut me off midway, "Oh my, Iroha-chan was it? You've grown into a beauty".

I wanted to gag.

"Sorry, my son ran off somewhere, I'll see you two again, when I find him" she smiled apologetically, "Excuse me".

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