1. Another day

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Another day waking up early at 6

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Another day waking up early at 6.45 AM just to go to work. This has been my routine for the past year and I've still not gotten used to waking up early. My shift starts in 1h and 15 minutes and it takes about 15 minutes to drive to work so I decided to get up and take a quick shower.
After the refreshing shower, I felt somewhat alert, but I still felt kind of slow. I looked at the time and saw that I need to go soon if I wanted to make it in time.

I decided to skip the makeup and took out my 2-week old cornrows, Then I put my curly hair up in a tight bun. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans and my Starbucks shirt before I made my way to the front door of my just the right size flat. I put on my black bomber jacket before I walked out to the cold London weather. I made it to my car a 2013 Buick SUV. It was my uncles but since I was his only family I got everything he owned. I only took the car and the money since I didn't see the point in living in a big house with all kind of expensive stuff on my own so I sold it.

There wasn't as much traffic as I thought so I made it to work a little bit early so I decided to make myself a Caramel frappuccino with a croissant. As I was eating my croissant my college Liam walked in and that made me really happy since he's the only one that I've gotten close enough to call my friend so his arrival made me happy. He made it to me and gave me a big hug and said

"Hello Yaz how you been?"

"Good Li, what about you"

" It has been alright but better now when I'm here with you"

"Oh stop it or I might throw up," I said before we both burst out in laughter. We got an ugly stare from charlotte who was working in the back, that made us quiet down and I quickly threw away the empty paper cup in the trash before putting on my apron and got to work

13 PM

I slowly made my way to one of the tables and started to clean them

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I slowly made my way to one of the tables and started to clean them. As I'm wiping my second table I see a large brown boot in front of me and I slowly look up and I was met by piercing green eyes that looked down at me and I awkwardly smiled at the guy before slowly taking in his features and boy I think that I might just have died right there. I realized that I looked like a creep just staring like that and I said a quick sorry before walking away. I walked to the register and started to take some orders before my boss James called me and told me a customer was calling for me. I nervously walked to the table the guy sat by and cleared my throat so he would notice me. He looked up at me and flashed me a toothy smile before he said

"Whats your name love?" I thanked god for my skin color since my face started to heat up before I answered

" Jazmine, what about you?" I said with a shy smile before looking down at my shoes.

" Beautiful name to match a beautiful face'" he said with a little smile which I didn't return back since I now realized he was joking.

" skip the compliments since you don't mean them what do you really want?" I said with a straight face, his once smiling face turned into shock then concern as he said: I'm" All I wanted was to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime?" I tuned him out thinking

"why would he want to hang out with me I'm not the prettiest I'm kinda average and a little bit on the chubby side, I don't even get what's so special about me to make him even wanna talk to me"

" I think that you seem really cool so let me take your number and I'll text you later"

no no don't give him it DONT DO IT YAZZ

" Yeah sure...."

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