Chapter 1: The Thing

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The night was cold, still and so, very quiet. All things that it shouldn't be.

The wolf lifted it's head, snout towards the dark sky, so dark that not even stars shone through and inhaled.

Pine, decay, earth and all other scents assaulted its nostrils and it exhaled, nodding to itself before turning it's head towards the southern winds and intaking.

Iron. Heavy and thick flooded its nostrils and the wolf's head snapped back before a loud snarl was ripping through the night. Growling, a fine tremble rippled through the creature's body causing the course fur along its back to rise and saliva to flood its mouth.

It backed up, hackles raised locating the scent at its sources and took off.

Strange things had been wandering through his woods as of late but this scent... He took another deep breath, lips curling as he noted it. The one that had caught his attention this fine night was far stranger than any of them.

Taking off at a gallop, dirt flew in the air about him as his strong limbs dug into the soft soil pushing his body forward and low to the ground, he shot through the undergrowth like a missile. His speed, his greatest defense and weapon; like a ghost he streaked past, the wind whistling in his ears, golden eyes squinting.

His senses zeroed in, all focused on that one scent and he skidded to a halt, nearing it. Hackles raised and footsteps light, his eyes sharpened in the darkness, the details coming to the forefront as he approached. Taking care to avoid rotten twigs and dead things hidden in the undergrowth, he snooped, head low to the ground and took in the scents of the earth. 

Damp dirt, rich in fertilizer along with the barest fragrance of petrichor remaining. Pine and greenery, hints of medicals properties, spices, decay-

Something snapped in the near distance and the wolf ducked low, his large ears pining back to his skull and growled. 

He heard it before he saw it.

It's shallow, rapid breaths were loud, unwisely giving away its position easily and the wolf, paused. Tensing as he stood still and then, he was moving on, silent and as his senses zeroed in on the creature, he took in the lack thereof of all other things. Standing still again, the wood was silent. Not a single chirp or skitter of a night creature to be heard, warning bells rang off in his head and he kept his guard up. 

Whatever it was, it was injured, he certainly knew. The scent of blood and sweat permeated the air so thickly he felt himself salivate, eager to bring this strange thing's life to an end. It would be swift; fangs sinking into soft flesh, followed by a sharp twist and crunching bone, his prey would be dead before they knew it. A shudder of excitement rippled through him.

Easing closer, the faint scent of blood and sweat became a stench, sharp; leaving a tang on his tongue as he tasted it in the air. It tasted of death and something else, along with its strangeness. There was something unidentifiable.

"D-Don't come any closer..!"

He froze, in-taking a sharp breath and stepped back. A sharp crack! Shot through the air like a hunter's shot and the wolf cursed. A loud snarl fell from his maw upon realizing his mistake and not missing a beat because there was no sense hiding if the creature already knew you were there, he stepped forward in the pale moon light. Golden eyes immediately narrowing with untamed curiosity and suspicion as they fell upon what awaited him.

A ragged creature, slouched over at the waist, arms astrew and legs limp; it stared up at him. Another rumbling snarl forced itself out of his chest as he instinctively went on guard. The thing laughed; a huff of breath and exhaustion as it regarded him with tired but piercing dark eyes

"What... are you?" Its voice was a struggling rasp, he could hear the gurgle of blood in the other's throat but still, he held no mercy. He watched it with cold eyes, disdain and disgust etched into his features.

"I am not obligated to tell you anything."

The creature laughed, the sound painful and gasping, "True... That is true, but still, you are new to me. Never have I seen a creature talk, whilst walking on four legs."

He circled it, distrust emanate, "I'm something far different from your kind," He paused for a moment, considering his options and the longevity of the creature. He decided to make a truce, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Another laugh rang out, this one far worst than the first as the creature dissolved into a bout of hacking coughs before spitting blood and phlegm onto the forest floor, "I'll show you my fangs in exchange for your claws?" He laughed again, "I've already seen your claws, stranger... but... if I were to show you my fangs, then I must say... they're a far ways from here."

He laughed again, revealing a bleeding bloody mouth with two empty gaps before pressing his face to the ground, raking his clawed hands in the dirt with pain. The other looked on, feeling a pang of uncertainty. Was it in his duty to save this creature? A shallow breath escaped the thing before it collapsed and he sighed, ears pining back against his skulls as he rumbled in annoyance.

Something had to be done. 

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading :) There's more to come and please don't forget to leave a comment and vote! I need the sustenance...:v

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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