Im a what?!?!

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Samantha Monroe (15)
Connor Stellers (15)

Travis Stellers (15)
Kat Hamilton (16)
Kendall Monroe (18)
Daniel Lucason (17)
Hunter Lucason (16)

Samantha's P.O.V
I sat in the passengers seat as I stared at the sign that read 'Camp Half Blood.' "I can't believe you never told me this Kendall!" I shouted as I put my arms on the dashboard making some dust fly up "I'm sorry Sammy I had to wait till you were old enough, please forgive me?" He said giving me his puppy dog eyes that he always does "oh you know I can't stay mad at that face" I spoke as if I was talking to a 4 year old. I opened the door and walked to the trunk where my luggage was. "Kendall!" I said as I flicked my sunglasses down over my eyes "I'm coming, I'm coming stop rushing me" he called back as I heard the trunks noise "thank god" I opened it and pulled out my luggage when suddenly my phone dropped out of my pocket, I turned around to grab it but as I turned around I met face to face with the most handsome guy I've ever seen. "You dropped this" he spoke with his British accent seeping through his words "I uh um tha- thanks" I barely managed to get out "uh no problem need some help with your bags?" He asked me as Kendall appeared behind us "and who is this fine tall glass of water you have found Sammy?" Kendall said trying to hold in a laugh "haha very funny Kendall this is uh heh I never got your name?" I said blushing "Connor, Connor Stellers" even his name was cute "yea see Kendall this is Connor" I said crossing my arms "I heard" he said as he patted my head " well we should go find our cabins" I agreed but soon found out that it was the worst decision I had ever made. I tried to find my way to cabin 10 but instead got lost and gave up, but to my luck found Connor talking to someone so I decided to walk over and hug him, worst decision I had ever made. I walked over to who I thought was Connor but indeed was not and guess what I did I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly "hi Connor!" I said happily but my happiness soon turned to embarrassment. "Funny story actually I'm Connor's twin brother I'm Travis" I let go of him and felt my face get hot and instantly hid my face in my jacket covered hands. I felt someone wrap their hands around my waist and quickly turned around to see Connor thankfully "Connor!" I said and hugged him back tightly "quick question?" He asked "what's your name?" I totally forgot to tell him my name and just hugged his twin god I'm so stupid sometimes "I'm Samantha Monroe the daughter of Aphrodite and sister to the one and only Kendall Monroe as you met earlier" he looked at me for a second then as I turned to look away he shouted "Sammy cat" he said and hugged me again "Sammy cat" his twin asked confused "don't you remember that cat we had named Sammy?" He said as if only he remembered the cat "oh yea she was the cutest little thing" Travis said as he walked over to us "well it's been a pleasure to meet you Samantha and I hope we can see each other again sometime" he said as I turned and gave Connor a confused look "he's always like this don't worry you'll get used to it after awhile" he said then hugged me once more before letting go "oh wait Connor I have a question?" I spoke softly "yea what is it" he asked cutely "where's cabin 10?" He chuckled and pointed up I looked to see a giant 10 written on the top of it "wow this is officially the most embarrassing thing I've ever done in front of a cute guy" I said instantly regretting it "you think I'm cute?" He said as he walked closer to me " maybe" I said looking away "well good for you because my cabins right next to yours" he grabbed my hand and kissed it before leaving "I hope to see you tomorrow" he said winking sending a shiver down my spine "will do" I said before backing up into my room and falling onto my bed and then sighed happily " I think I'm gonna like it here" I said before closing my eyes.

So this is my first time writing a story on Wattpad and I understand it's a little bad but hey let's see how this turns out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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