Break Bones, Not Hearts

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By InfinityandBeyond

A/N: Enjoy the story (: Vote/Comment/Tell me what you think <3

Break Bones, Not Hearts

Chapter One

“I still don’t see why I’m getting in trouble.” I muttered heatedly. My mother crossed her arms as she stared at me with a look of disappointment. “You drove your car into the principal’s office, Ariana. That’s the reason.” She said crossly. I let out a moan of frustration.

“He was being an asshole.”

“Language, Ariana.”

“Fine. He was being an unfair asshole.”

“He specifically told me that you almost broke the arm of one of your classmates.”

“I could’ve actually broken it if Mr. Ivan didn’t butt in so early.”


“What?! The kid was being a freaking douche. He was getting on my nerves.”

It was true. Richard Clemenceau, the school tool, was beating up a poor first-year because he accidentally spilt his coke all over Richard’s brand new kicks. So I did what my fist told me to do, swing it up his jaw and down his throat. He was being annoying anyways.

“You should not be getting into fights Ariana!” My mother screeched.

“It’s not a fight if your opponent was down after one hit. Plus, he deserved it!”

“You shouldn’t be hitting people in the first place or driving your car into buildings!”

“Wait a minute… it wasn’t my car though.”

“THAT’S NOT THE POINT ARIANA! You got expelled! You’re lucky the police only gave you a warning because you’re underage. But can’t you understand how bad expulsion is?!”

“Fine, I do. I’m sorry. Happy now?”

My mother gave me a cold smile as she said icily, “Not yet but I will be.” I frowned as my mom walked across the room, sat directly in front of me and said calmly, “I’m sending you to live with your Aunt Lucinda.” My jaw hit the ground as I yelled, “WHAT THE HELL?!”

Aunt Lucinda was your all-around American mother straight from the posters, catalogues and commercials. Having starred in beauty pageants since the age of five and member of the Ivy League; she was the definition of perfection (from what I've heard). She lives all the way in Princeton Bay- home of gossip, riches and spoiled bitches. It's one of the snobbiest communities known to man. Nobody just walks in there and is welcome. People are judged by their looks and how fat their wallet looks. Sounds fancy, huh? Not only that, it's about a six or seven hour drive from here.

My mom drank her tea slowly and replied, “I believe it’s for the best.” I growled as I muttered, “You can’t be serious.” She glared at me coldly and said, “Ariana, a mother does not deserve to be dealing with a delinquent like you. Can’t you ever follow the rules and stay inside boundaries for once in your life?!” I snorted and replied nastily, “Where’s the fun when staying inside boundaries!?” She slammed her cup down and yelled, “YOU ARE STAYING WITH AUNT LUCINDA UNTIL YOU LEARN TO BE A PROPER, YOUNG LADY ARIANA! THAT’S FINAL!”

I stared, somewhat perplexed, as my mother heatedly threw her magazine down and said with all the sweetness she could muster, “You better go pack your things early, sweetie. You’ll be leaving in two days.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2012 ⏰

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