My friends....

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    Where should i begin? Hmmmm... I guess Ill start with Kye. Well you see Kye is 18.. But hes a demon just like his sister, Arrow. Now Arrows down right scary ya sure shes pretty on the outside and everything but when u get to know her... Well just dont get on her bad side. Who else... Oh ya Caty shes super shy but rlly sweet and smart oh and shes not human either shes kinda a.. What do you call it... Shapeshifter I guess. Then last but not least is Rowan. Man is she something else... Rowan is an angel i know weird having demons and an angel for friends but we get by. Anyway now to how i met them or rather found out what they are.



       Arrow had fallen asleep on Kye's lap. Kye was Arrows big brother and they were basically never apart. They were sleeping over tonight which is pretty normal for us but tonight i stayed up later then usual. I was starting to fall asleep when i heard a sharp ringing in my ears. As i looked around i noticed kye had grown horns that were lit in a blue color. Then came Arrows pink tail id never seen anything like it before.



      The next morning i asked Kye what had happened. He calmly stated as if it was nothing "Oh, we're demons." Who the heck in their right mind does that! A couple days later is when we met Rowan and Caty ig they were there to protect me but they more or less just hang out.



"Rowans such an ass, cant we just get rid of her already?" Kye groaned sitting in a tree. "I can hear you idiot" She replied pulling out her earbud. I calmly walked over and slapped them both. "Ow!" They groaned in unison. "Stop fighting and actuallywork if you want to complain" Arrow ordered them forcing them to get up and help us fix the base.


Im leaving it at this for now just to see how people like it before making it a full story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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