Meeting The Fastest Boy Alive (again)

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Jinx stirred the heart shaped cream decorating the top of her coffee disinterested. It was Valentine's Day the worst time of the year to be single. And she was one of them.

Even after the heart shape had been eradicated from her coffee, she continued to stir. It had been months after the Brotherhood of Evil had been beaten, and she was basically off any fight what so ever.

She had recently taken refuge in Central City, knowing that most cities she'd been to were crawling with heroes that knew her. At least Central City had very little.
Sure, she would still use her powers from time if someone deserved it, but she stayed in the shadows. News papers referred to her as a mysterious phantom of justice. If only they knew.

But she didn't collect newspapers to see herself. No, she did it on the slim chance it would mention Kid Flash. She had found out his mentor the Flash lived there, and hoped that the young speedster was there as well.
Any paper Kid Flash was in, Jinx would cut out the article and place it in a single book, hoping to find a pattern to his appearances. Sometimes she would see him during fights as well and help in out.

She was surprised he never dropped the fight and went to find out who destroyed the ground so the villain would trip or who 'accidentally' broke the tires on a getaway car.
Perhaps it was better that way. She would stick to her life and Kid Flash would stick to his.

"—hey. Hello. Anybody in there?" Jinx snapped from her thoughts.
"What do you want?" The pink haired girl snapped.
"Well I just thought I would say that you're over stirring your coffee." Jinx looked down at her cup, where the cream was completely gone. Her face flushed with color.
"Why do you care?" She asked accusingly. A chuckle vibrated from the person.
"I just didn't want to you waste your coffee by stirring it."
"Uh huh." Jinx looked up at the person she was speaking to. He looked familiar. Very familiar.
"Mind if I sit?" He asked.
"No problem."

The male sat, which gave Jinx more time to study him. Taking a sip of her coffee, her cat like eyes analyzed him to find the familiarity.
"Red hair and blue eyes. Where have I seen red hair and blue eyes?" She thought, putting her cup down.
"I'm Wally. Wally West." He introduced.
"I didn't ask." Jinx replied. He laughed once again.
"Can I know?"
"Jenny Greystone." When she applied for schooling in Central City, it was the first thing she thought of. She'd been using it ever since. It wasn't a bad name, even if it had a bit of a resemblance to her ex-crush Stone, who was actually Cyborg one of the Titans in disguise. It was a long story.

After a few seconds of silence, Wally brought up a new topic. "Have you ever been to Jump City? Or Steel City?" He piped.
"Both. Why?"
"Just curious."
Jinx pursed her lips. "You remind me of someone." She said. "He was a real pain. But he did give me roses every time we met." The redhead grinned and leaned in.
"It's nice to see you again Jinx. Sorry I don't have any roses this time."
Jinx leaned back, heat rising to her cheeks once more.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied.
"Come on Jinx. I know it's you. Your hair and eyes give it away."
"Prove it." Wally grinned at the challenge.
"Alright. Let's go."
"I can't prove anything to you in a crowded area so let's go." The redhead grabbed Jinx's hand and headed out. The pink haired witch managed to grab her bag as they left.

The walk was short, bringing them to a secluded area in the park. Wally's hold on Jinx's hand loosened, before he winked and sped off.
Jinx held her hair as he ran off, a trail following him. He was just a blur. When he returned it was Kid Flash.
"Believe me now?"
Jinx pursed her lips once more before pulling off the mask, ignoring his cry of protest.
"Well now I'm sure. You have the same annoying face." Wally chuckled, handing the pink haired girl a rose.
"That leaves only one more thing to do." Jinx raised an eyebrow, before being pulled into a kiss.

"You should've contacted me when you got here." Wally said, no longer in his Kid Flash costume. He just spun really fast and was back in his regular clothes. However that worked.
"Well what if you didn't recognize me. Or your mentor picked up?" She replied. His hand slipped into her own and squeezed it.
"Like I could ever forget you Jinx. You locked me in a cage after all."
"I'm sure I wasn't the first."
"You were."
"Uh huh. Now let's head back to coffee shop. You owe me a new cup."
"I don't owe you anything."
"Sure you don't."

♥︎ end ♥︎

I was watching Justice League vs Teen Titans and somehow that got me thinking of a Teen Titans movie with the Hive 5 from the 2006 series, since Kid Flash was shown in a teaser from Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, which also has the Hive and Brother Blood and some how it came to me writing a Valentine's Day one shot with Jinx and Kid Flash and now I want to write one of those Teen Titans fan fictions where their all in high school (or college depending) and they don't have any powers, so I might do that. Hope you enjoyed and Happy Valentine's Day 2017 to all, single or not.

I mean having the Hive 5 in Young Justice also works. I just want my flinx.

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