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*Set if Matpat was a security guard in the second Five Nights At Freddys, inspired by Mangled*


*MatPat's POV*

Everything fell silent. I stopped my frantic tapping and spinning in my seat, anxious. Nothing. None of the animatronics were in sight; there was no pounding in the vents or steps down the hall. Just dead silence. I felt a small light of hope rise up inside me, had I survived? I turned to look at the clock, but something made my heart sink. As my hopes fell deeper and deeper they morphed into a sickening, venomous fear. The digits on the clock were hazy, the time didn't make sense, the figures seemed foreign. Everything around me was consumed by my unending fear, I felt my hands tremble and sweat creep down my forehead as the sound of my demise drew closer; the music box. I forgot to wind the music box.

That soul crushing music fell upon my ears, ominously dragging closer. I knew there wasn't anything I could do, yet still my gaze jumped onto any object in the room, desperate for escape. Unfortunately, my terror had infected my senses and I became paralysed in uncertain horror. Anything, anything at all that could have helped me escape, seemed blurry and ineffective.

As the eerie music crept closer, I heard something else; footsteps. Not rapid, running steps or agile, faint steps. These were deliberate, controlled, fearless footsteps. I snapped my gaze up to the darkened, tunnel-like entrance, and I could have sworn my heart stopped. Red eyes stared back at me. Evil red eyes, shining through the darkness. But there wasn't just one, no, there were so many of them, and every single one glared back at me, piercing into my soul. But, none of them moved. They lingered at the very back of the tunnel, just staring while the music crawled closer and closer, and the footsteps became louder and louder. Why weren't they attacking? Were they scared of the footsteps, the puppet? That caused cruel dismay to seep into my blood. Whatever this thing was, this thing that was coming ever closer, made all those other nightmarish creatures hang back. This, this was the one they were scared of.

I began to make out the faint outline of a figure, but I thought I must have been mistaken. The animatronics had large, bulky, inhuman bodies, but the figure I could see was, well, unmistakably human. I shook it off, expecting my fear to have messed with my perception again. However as the macabre music suddenly stopped, the same shadowy figure stepped into the light. A man. He was looking down and a large amount of ebony hair concealed his features. He wore black jeans and a black long sleeved shirt with stripes down the arms. There were also three, pearl white buttons embellishing the top of his shirt. He stood there looking down for a few moments, nothing about him was shocking nor innately frightening, yet, I don't know if this was my own fear or the way the animatronics seemed to cower from him, he gave off an air of darkness, it felt like something evil resided in him.

Suddenly, he jolted his head up to face me, flicking his dark hair back and letting a large smile crack its way across his pale skin. It was like a mechanical glitch, the sudden movement, a fracture in his human appearance. It was the face of man of course, but he had large dark circles around his eyes and purple streaks down either side of his face that resembled tear tracks.

"Hello Matt!" His eyes glinted as he spoke with a sinister cheeriness. "Suppose you were probably expecting one of them weren't you?" He gestured with his head to the blood red eyes behind him and laughed a bit. "Lucky you! You get me instead!" His grin widened.

"How... Who are you?" I managed, it was so difficult to speak, my breath felt trapped in my throat and I could barely swallow.

"Well, I have many names you see," He began, walking further into my office, his feet flicking up gleefully with each step. "The puppet, the marionette, etc." He pulled himself onto my desk and sat with his legs swinging off the edge, facing me. "But," He dragged out the sound before pausing thoughtfully for a moment, looking up slightly. "You can call me Nate," He glanced back at me, his far-too-big smile never faltering. "Nate's good." I felt his eyes survey me as overwhelming terror pulsed through my veins. His carefree demeanour just set me on edge, I felt the gradual trickle of cold sweat down my forehead and my heart beat rapidly crash against my rib cage.

"A-are you gonna kill me?" I whimpered, I felt the shaking in my hands grow worse every second, what was he doing? What was he?

The figure-Nate-threw his head back and began laughing. It was a loud laugh that bounced around the room, I half expected the other animatronics to join in but they remained silent and unmoving, glaring at me from the darkness. Nate finished laughing and looked back at me with a grin even wider than before, "Not right now! Of course not!" He leapt of the desk and advanced towards me, still smiling as if what he said was meant to reassure me. "No..." He almost mumbled. "No..." He repeated getting closer to me until he ended sitting on my lap, legs either side, staring directly into my eyes with that manic smile.

My breathing hitched, his smile became less amiable as he stared fixatedly at me. He tilted is head to one side, eyes still darting around my body with an impertinent fascination. I felt my skin crawl and a nauseating feeling settle in my stomach. His smile faded from a large grin to a small, distant smile, his tongue delicately resting on his bottom lip.

"You're far too pretty for that."

Nate brought a black gloved hand up to my face. I tried lurching back but my muscles failed to respond, it felt like my limbs had been replaced with cold, impassive stone, which hung heavily by my sides. No matter how I struggled and contorted my mind in desperation for movement, nothing happened. I was pinned under Nate, paralysed by some unseen force that wrapped around my body and chocked my muscles leaving them limp in its grip. I let out some kind of whimper during the toils of my mental combat, however, I managed to twist my head away for those unsettling eyes. Nate made a soft, stifled chuckle at my attempt of movement.

"You're gonna be a fighter, aren't you?" His voice excited again, I could practically feel the large grin returning to his lips. He moved his head closer to mine as he grabbed hold of my jaw and sharply snapped it back to face him. I felt his breathe on my skin as he stared deep into my eyes again. My terror grew every second as the waves of fear crashed over my mind again and again, I was drowning in it. My breath was lodged at the back of my throat; it felt like being smothered, the breath being torn out of me then settling to an unmoving trance, leaving me struggling in anguish.

"You're going to be such fun." His voice was different now; it was deep, sinister, threatening. Dark, practically black, eyes glared into me, all I could do was stare back in indescribable peril. Nate straightened his back so he seemed to tower over me, his hand that had been resting on my chin, drew up once again to my cheek. He harshly pressed a finger nail against my skin. A razor sharp talon dug deep below my flesh, causing me to wince and squeeze my eyes shut. Dragging his talon excruciatingly slowly down my cheek, his eyes lit with a deep satisfaction and pride that fed his grim pleasures. I clenched my hands into fists, and fought back the sharp prick of tears that stung the back of my eyes. I wouldn't cry, not for him.

Finally, as the pain continued to pulse, he removed his sharp nail and looked on at what he'd created; a deep, crimson line, clean and sharp, spanning from just below my eye to the end of my chin. It hurt with a deadly sting, I opened my eyes and glared at Nate, he shone with pride, looking at me with his sick interest. He leaned in close to me, his eyes following the long gash down the side of my face.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He growled into my ear, then all I saw was blackness        

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