Hypocrisy of Equality

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You're locked away, never to be found;

Forced to be clandestine, never to be heard;

Buried 10 feet under, never to be unearthed.

Promises of your arrival become rampant.

Blood has been spilled for your ransom for a document that'll fulfill your declaration of union.

All of this bloodshed for the outcasts to be liberated from their incarceration.

You and only you can pay bail and bring them amnesty from this unforgiving society.

The search for you traces back throughout our history.

The days when all this nation knew

was animosity; When Liberty was inherited by the chosen few.

When souls were fettered by discrimination.

Their minds poisoned by tepid promises of this country's so called "freedom".

Reality strikes with cruel whips.

Wars for human rights and decency invaded their mindset.

Each step of revolution inspires more renegades.

Today our sexual orientation is waved over our heads like warring countries brandish national banners.

The immature become aggravated if you are on the other side.

Persecuted by the decision to love the same gender, people are herded to depression and exile.

Acidic jokes gibing at those that are different are spread for miles.

Love is meant to be universal.

Sadly Law and Society perceive it differently.

Homosexuality is supposedly a burden.

The ghosts of judgement ridicule homosexuals and makes their souls sullen.

Two souls can only be joined forever by means of paperwork and ceremony- only if their genders are opposite.

Religion is adjusted to belittle the harmonizing of two people of the same gender.

Unity needs to renounce its hypocrisy so lovers can be together without boundaries.

Until that day comes, there is no equality.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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