The Perfect Time To Fall

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To live life to the fullest - this is one our goals while we are still living. We ought to eat, to drink, and to love. We eat when we are hungry; we drink when we are thirsty, but when do we know when we love — when to love?

Love when you feel lonely. Love when you feel happy. In whatever you are feeling, love. Love when you're away. Love when you're afar. Wherever you are, love. Love while it's early. Love even if it's late. No matter when, love. Love because you are rich. Love because you are poor. Whatever the reasons are, love. Love unconditionally. Love truthfully. In whatever ways, love.

Loving is part of living. We cannot live without caring for someone and we cannot live without someone carry for us. Being alone is unimaginable. To whom do we communicate when we need someone to talk to? To whom do we share what we have when the blessings seem to be too much? To whom do we walk with when the road seems too long? If we have no one, we have nothing. Without others, we cannot exist.

If somebody is making your smile a little brighter, make sure the same person won't be the reason for your tears. Indeed for love to be true has to hurt but for love to last, it has to always challenge yourself to catch your breathe. The fast heartbeat that made you say you have fallen should be as fast as the one you feel till life ends.

If somebody is making your laugh a little louder, make sure that the constant stalking wouldn't end up seeing heartbreak. Before setting yourself to falling, make sure that somebody isn't taken by anybody else — even you. You cannot own someone and you don't need to own someone. You can laugh without those jokes, you can laugh without remembering the great memories, but you can't laugh with your heart aching.

If somebody is making your day a little brighter, make sure that lucky one knows how much you feel. You may take your time charging your guts and thinking of your words, but there should be a time you let your mouth say what you want and your hands do what it has to. If you don't, it might be too late. You'll be forever curious of what life would be like if you had said the language of love.

To enjoy life while we are still living - this is what we all should try to do. We enjoy life by doing what we love: we can read, play, and even fall. We read books to learn and imagine, we watch play to exercise and spend our time, but when do we fall?

Fall when —
Fall where —
Fall by —

We can say we have fallen in love when we cannot explain the extra heartbeats we feel when that someone is around. We can say we have fallen when the days get too better, too bright, and way too unimaginable. We can say we have fallen when... When reality feels like a fairytale.

Fall not because you want to; fall not because you have to; fall because you just did.

Having a crush and falling in love are different. We get attracted to someone because we like what they do — what they are; we fall in love to someone because — for some reasons, we just do. It's that feeling we cannot express. It's like eating rice without understanding why we just can't get full without it. Know that not all love can last forever and no love is such perfect. Understand that in love, there has to be constant communication and lifelong talks. Remember that when you love, you are serious, honest, and ready to commit.

To the moon and back, forever, till eternity, are just words that flower up your relationship. What has to bloom are the roses and carnations that will keep you together. To fall in love means you are ready to love the same person every day of life that distance, rain, or even death cannot hinder. Run, crawl, swim a hundred rivers and climb a thousand walls — do what it takes to make sure that the special person feels loved.

At the end of the day, you should first love yourself. Love your flaws and imperfections: love how you tripped on the ground; love when you were asked to recite a poem you have never read; love the times you had to fail, because those times taught you the way to success. If that someone can't love you, even if it hurts, it's fine. Heartbreaks are results of loving a metal you tried to melt to a hundred degrees. Like magnets, people can get attached, but some just couldn't no matter how you try.

Every single second is the perfect time to love but no matter how much books you read, how many films you've watched, you just can't tell when you will feel love.

In love, you just can't go and say, "I love you." You have to know how to be a gentleman; how to be a lady; and how you should be in order to be respected.

In love, obstacles are going to approach you. You need to have the resilience from envy and heartbreak. Tears are part of loving.

In love, time doesn't tell. You need to enjoy each day that passes and hope that God is writing your love story that will live happily ever after.

In love, when the apple of your eye is around, never hesitate to try an approach. A "Hi" could lead you to awkwardness, to pain, but who knows, it could lead you to the soon "I Dos."

In love, you have to love. Love yourself, your family, your friends, and that special person. The world doesn't revolve around the two of you, the people around you are like characters in the movie that needs to be given importance in order to have a better story. Love takes two but the other numbers are important too.

The perfect time to fall? It is the time when you are living to the fullest; the time when you are enjoying what is around you; the time when you are ready physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially; and the time...

No, there isn't a known time.

Who knows, tomorrow you might fall;

You are currently falling;

You have already fallen?

Whatever that is, if it feels right and nobody is hurt, fall in love, and stay in love.

It's really you who can feel and say that is it — the perfect time to fall.

- Detective9


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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