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"There is even a happiness that makes a heart afraid"

-Thomas Hood

Bruce has been training both mentally and physically for years now. He could take a few of Joker's sick games, he could solve the Riddler's puzzles in minutes and he could defeat Bane even when he was clearly weaker and smaller. He could fit into the society as Bruce Wayne, the dense and pleasure seeking billionaire easily. He could win a lot of men and women's hearts with just a smile. He could do any of it.

All of the founders of the Justice League knew that Bruce could do anything and fear nothing, both as Batman and Bruce Wayne. But there's one thing that only a handful knew that Bruce was not fearless to anything. He could take the torture, the darkness or even Joker's sick games, but he could never take the feeling of happiness.


"Happy Valentines!"

"You too"

Those two words have been repeated everywhere in the world and even in the Watchtower as well. Superman had been wishing almost everyone he saw. Diana raised an eyebrow and had demanded an explanation about this Men's culture. Wally grinned and gave Superman a hug before rushing to some dates. John had already left before Superman could even wish and J'onn only nodded and stayed in the Watchtower doing monitoring work. Though the person he really wanted to meet on this Valentines' Day was nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, Bruce has never been someone who would celebrate anything, not even his birthday. As Bruce Wayne maybe but he never seemed to care about any celebrations. Not even his adoptive sons' birthdays. Oddly Dick, Tim and even Jason did not seem to mind that their lawful guardian never celebrated any occasions together. It was like they understood why and never said it out loud.

Since Bruce did not show himself in the Watchtower, Superman decided to visit Gotham.

The small bouquet in his hand seemed to weight more than it should as he gripped on it gently enough not to crush it. Every founder of the Justice League had received a small box of chocolate from Superman (he bought it from the sales in a chocolate shop), and the only person who has not receive it was Batman. Superman was tempted to just leave it on the doorsteps of the Wayne Manor since Batman never liked him coming to Gotham. But he really wanted to personally hand it to Bruce. Just to watch Bruce's reaction when he received the gift and answer as well.

It was no secret to the whole Justice League that Superman was in love with Batman or Clark was in love with Bruce. It was very obvious. The way Superman would just speed away whenever Batman tried to sacrifice himself again just to save millions of lives, the way Superman watched Batman or the way Superman would turn his head to watch Batman when he walks pass. The way Clark read every article when Bruce Wayne was involved, or how persistent he was to take the interviewing job if the person they were interviewing was Bruce Wayne. Literally, everyone knew, even Clark's parents.

There he stood in front of the Wayne Manor's door in his old working suit with a fist in midair. He was going to knock, then hesitated, then braved himself to knock, then shook his head again.

What were the words that he had been revising in front of the mirror for the whole day and this morning again?

"Hi, Bruce, Happy Valentines' Day. Here's a bouquet of flower and a box of handmade chocolate. Yes, you might have noticed I'm in love with you ever since we first met." He mumbled underneath him breath as he looked down at the bouquet of flowers he had picked from all over the world. Each flower was different with different meanings. Clark had been doing research and read a lot of books about flowers for the past few weeks. Just to make his confession more romantic and sweet.

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