The Truth Comes Out

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After a month of sulking around while watching Louis with eleanor, I decided I had to tell him. I had to tell him that I was in love with him. Him and I have become close friends over the last few months, and I figured what better day to tell him than today. Today is the day he left Doncaster and I never saw him again, until now of course. As I walked into class today and I saw Louis standing there with his beautiful blue eyes and his perfect brown hair, I started feeling less confident. I thought maybe I would tell him another day. I thought maybe I could just walk inside and pretend I never even came to class. But it was too late. Louis saw me. Not only did he see me, but he called me over to sit next to him. 

"Hi." I awkwardly said.

"April! My favourite girl!" He exclaimed with a smile, while engulfing me in a single-arm hug. I smiled awkwardly but all I could think was 'Oh I thought Eleanor was your favourite girl?'

"Um Louis I have to tell you someth-" I started but I was rudely interrupted by one of the "mean girls" of the class.

"OH LOOOOUUUUUIIIIIIIS!" She shrieked, "I wanted to ask you the difference between a trumpet and a tuba. Can you please help me?" She continued, wearing a fake toothy smile on her face. She dragged Louis away, and he shot me an apologetic smile. I could already tell that today was going to be a great day. Please note sarcasm.


As I was walking towards my car Louis ran up to me saying "April! Hey wait up!" My back was against the door of my car, and he was leaning slightly against me. In this position, I couldn't even begin to gather up my thoughts.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered stupidly.

He lowered his voice huskily, bit his lip before licking them, and then he started talking, "I remebered you had something to tell me. How about we hang out at my hotel room for a while so we can talk things over. What do you say?" He flicked his hair, and I nearly fainted. It was then that I realized that this merciless boy new exactly what he was doing to me. And the worst part? I was letting him.

"Um yeah sure uh so like I'll get in my car and um you- I mean I! I will follow your car to your hotel and um yeah. Okay? Okay." I said awkwardly before jumping into my car.


Once we got to Louis' fancy hotel room we sat down on his couch and Louis cheekily tried to hold my hand. As much as I wanted to, I decided that we weren't going to dp anything until the truth came out.

"Louis stop. I'm trying to be serious. Please, please, listen." Once he saw how desperate I was, he sat up and looked me in the eye.

"What's wrong April?"

"How could you not know what's wrong Louis?! Do you not remember that time we spent together?! That little infinity we secluded ourselves in before you left me for three years?! Was it really that unimportant?! Was that unimportant?" I said my voice breaking. He heaved a loud sigh, and then he looked down.

"April you are so so important to me. After we got separated I tried to forget. I deleted all contact I had with you. I acted as if we had never even met. I was so wrapped up in my own lies that I was convinced you didn't even exist. It hurt me so much April. I know we didn't even know each other that long but I missed you so much and I was so so hurt."

"Louis did you even think about how hurt was? I felt like if I didn't mean anything Louis. Do you know how miserable it is to feel so worthless? I was lonely, Louis, and the only person who could make me feel better acted as if I didn't even exist!" Louis looked incredibly guilty. He offered me a big hug which I accepted gladly.

"I know, April, I know. I'm so sorry honey. I'm so so so sorry. And I'm going to be completely honest with you: I really really want to kiss you right now." He whispered this in my ear and I melted inside.

"Louis what about Eleanor?" I said lightly.

"Who? Oh right." He said with a scowl. "Can we just not worry about her please?"

"Louis I'm not going to let you cheat on your girlfriend!"

"Yeah but since we technically didn't break up, you're still my girlfriend." He wiggled his eyebrows seductively.

"So you're cheating on me with Eleanor then?" I said with a smile, to let him know that I was kidding.

"Oh just shut up and kiss me."

And then, we kissed. Simple as that. And it was amazing.

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