1. May Allah SWT grant you a spouse who is the coolness of your eyes and the warmth of your heart and creates a heaven for you in this life before both of you reach the heavens of the hereafter
Allahumma Ameen!2. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed among the believers with the most complete faith is the one who is the best in conduct, and the most kind to his family.
3. People will always have an opinion about you. Allah also has an opinion about you. In the end, Allah's opinion alone matters. Prioritize accordingly.
4. Parents who lose young children shall be given entrance into jannah through their intercession. When Sayyidah A'ishah heard this, she asked about those who have no children to intercede for them on the day of judgement, so the Prophet ﷺ replied, "I shall be enough for my ummah!" رضي الله عنها
Sayyidah A'ishah did not have children, but it never caused her pain or anxiety. You know why? She knew that she forever had the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. That's all that mattered to her and that's all she ever cared about. Ignore the thoughts and opinions of people and don't give it any attention. At the end of this long journey of life, their bad thoughts and trivial talk will end, and you'll enter paradise with Sayyiduna Muhammad ﷺ and rest therein for eternity.
5. We often wonder why God gives and takes, constricts and expands. What we forget is that human beings understand things by their opposites. Without dark, we can't understand light. Without hardship, we wouldn't *experience* ease. Without the existence of deprivation and loss, we couldn't grasp the need for gratitude or the virtue of patience. And without separation, we wouldn't taste the sweetness of reunion.
Glory be to the one who gives—even when He takes.
6.It doesn't matter if you didn't wear the Hijab or you didn't pray. It doesn't matter if you didn't have a beard and you never fasted. It doesn't matter if you had relationships and you disobeyed. It doesn't matter if you partied, drank, engaged in sex and had a heavy addiction to porn.
What matters is now. What matters is the present. What matters is you right now. Never give up. Never lose hope. Never despair. Never feel like you can't be forgiven. If you filled the oceans with sins and you dropped a tear, Allah would forgive you. Your Lord is the One who forgave a mass murder who killed a 100 men. Your Lord is the One who pardoned a prostitute. He transformed alcoholics in to awliyah and turned sinners into saints over the period of a day and night due to a sincere tear.
7. This dunya is not a competition. There is no competition in getting a degree, getting married first, going on a honeymoon before your friends, settling down before your sisters. There is no race in finding a better job than your best mate and finally settling down. It is not a competition of bank balances, credit cards and cars. It is not about who looks better and who is the most beautiful. It does not matter who has children first and how many houses you are able to purchase. It does not matter if it is a terraced house, semi detached, a mansion, a castle or a palace. It is not a competition of how many friends you have and how many followers you can get on social media. People spend their lives completely wasting themselves on futile things.
The only thing you need to focus on is you. Are you happy? How you can increase in proximity to your Lord? How do you attain forgiveness? How can you get back up after falling? How will you attain self-contentment? Have you bettered yourself since last year? How do you increase in good? How satisfied are you with yourself? How will you be the closest to the Messenger of Allah in the akhirah?
8. You're alone? He is al-Wakil (the Sufficient). You're in pain? He is al-Shafi (the Healer). You're poor? He is al-Ghani (the Rich and Self Sufficient). You're a sinner? He is al-Rahman (the Merciful). You're distant? He is al-Qarib (the Close). You've got problems? He is al-Nasir (the Helper). You're in distress? He is al-Salam (the source of Peace) You need to talk? He is al-Sami' (the Listener).
You don't need anything or anyone when you have Allah.
9. Sometimes the reason we can't forgive is that we don't see our own flaws. We spend our lives holding onto the wrongs others have done to us; but we don't see all the wrongs we have also done to people. No one is perfect. And we are all in desperate need of forgiveness–from God and from the people.
Forgive. So that you too may be forgiven.
10. We get so scared sometimes. Afraid of all that can go wrong. All that can be lost. But in our debilitating fear, we lose focus. We see the sickness, but not the cure. The storm, but not the shelter. Yes, there are armies and Red Seas. Yes, there are flames. But remember, the sickness, the storm, the fire, the armies and the Sea, are all creations in the hands of the Sovereign. He saved Ayyoub (AS) from the sickness, Nuh (AS) from the storm, Ibrahim (AS) from the flames, and Musa (AS) from the armies and the Sea. It wasn't that they didn't face these hardships. They did. They were surrounded by them. But Allah kept them safe, even while in the belly of the calamity. Our focus is wrong. We fear the storm, because we don't see the Shelter. We fear the Red Sea, because we don't see the One who can split it in two. It is not the storm we should fear...
but the distance from Shelter.
11. A person's feet will not move away on the Day of Judgment until he is asked about his life and how he spent it, about his knowledge and how he acted upon it, and his wealth and how he earned and spent it,and about his body and how he used it.
Salat is the Zakat of time.
12. Whoever removes a worldly hardship from a believer, Allah will remove one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection from him.
13. Being rich does not mean having a great amount of property, but it is being content (with what one has).
14. People count with self-satisfaction the number of times they have recited the name of God on their prayer beads, but they keep no beads for reckoning the number of idle words they speak.
When the world doesn't understand you, just remember that Allah does.
Islamic Quoets For Your Day
SpiritualBacalah, dan rasakan, betapa banyak nikmat allah yang telah diberikannya kepadamu...