Many believe that it is better to be a realist than to be a dreamer.
That dreaming can get you caught up in the clouds. That dreaming could never benefit you in any way. And that dreaming is a waste of time.
I am not talking about the literal dreaming done at night . But the dreaming you do that involves your goals. The dreams you have that motivate you to get up in the morning. The dreams you have to wake your spirit.
What I have to tell you is that without dreams we would be nothing. Our beliefs in a religion with out a goal or a dream in it could not work. How could we have faith in that god? What would you be striving for?
Another example, relationships whether romantic or friendships. If we don't have dreams of one day meeting a person that can change our lives or influence us for the better , how will we ever enjoy relationships?
Or a career. When we are little we always dream of being something. Without those dreams. what would our child hood be like? It would be empty . There would be nothing to look forward to. Nothing to enjoy and hope for, for the future. You see, dreamers are not scared of the future. They are welcoming it because they know that their dreams will be accomplished. Realists are hesitant about the future. Trying to get everything perfect and accurate for what they want to do.They don't have the drive a dreamer has.
When a person is driven to do things he/she can accomplish extraordinary things. For example : Going to the moon; outer space, creating electricity, being the first president of the united states, winning wars, stopping slavery, Creating equality for Man and Woman. When a person is driven they are dreamers. Because only dreamers dream for for the future. Only dreamers get motivated to do amazing things such as these.
Inspiration. Dreamers, from all around the world, from different time periods. What have they done for us? Well, they have inspired us to see that if we dream too that we can change the world like they did!
So I want everybody that is reading this to dream and hope in the future. Because your dreams will make a change!
Inspire through words
RandomThis book is a book of life. Many people go through hard times and go through amazing things in life. But we all need to look at the positive things more because those are the moments that really matter in life. This book will be going over life, at...