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Preface - "Every ending has a new beginning."

Laila, 5 years earlier...

"You look beautiful, Laila!" Came my Maid of Honor's voice as I stepped out from the ensuite. Giving her a small smile I let out a little breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Today was the day I would begin a new chapter in my life, as a married woman.

"I can't believe the day has finally come," I admitted to her. Admitting that I was nervous to my best friend was easier than admitting it to my husband-to-be, Thomas.

Looking at her, she shook her head in mock disappointment. "Oh, you know he loves you more than anything in this world. Today is going to be a great day," Claire's positive smile and outlook had always calmed me, but today I had yet to feel comforted.

Was this how every bride felt before walking down the aisle to say 'I do'? If so, I couldn't wait until it was over. Sighing out loud I wondered what my mother would think if she could hear what I was thinking. Even though she was in another room, making sure everything was running smoothly and on time, I didn't have the heart to worry her.

In a very short moment I was being led down the grand staircase by none other than my father, my left hand in the crook of his arm. I held onto his arm like my life depended on it, the nerves still getting the best of me. Claire, my Maid of Honor, and my two bridesmaids as well as the ring bearer and flower girl had all walked ahead of me.

"I can't believe my youngest daughter is finally getting married, my baby is no longer little," my dad's voice interrupted my try at concentration on not falling down the stairs with the six inch heels I was in.

"Awe dad, please don't make me cry right now, Claire would kill me if I ruined her beautiful job," I said to him, my attempt to cheer him up with a little makeup joke it seemed to do the job.

"I love you darling, you look beautiful," I knew he truly meant it and I smiled softly at my father, the man who raised me to be the woman I am today.

"I love you too, dad," I took one more breath to calm my nerves down before staring straight ahead at the man I was going to be married to in less than twenty minutes.

I could feel the stares of everyone as I walked down the aisle, each and every stare only doubling my nerves. Once I reached the altar, my father held my hand out to Thomas, who looked into my eyes with a strained smile as he took it. His hands were shaky, and I wondered if he was just as nervous as I was. By the time my father sat down next to my mother, who already had tears in her eyes, I could sense that something was wrong. The way Thomas's body language stood rigid, too tense to move as he stared at me with a guilt stricken look making its way onto his face. Why did he look like that? My inner thoughts chimed, my worry beginning to grow with each word the minister read aloud.

When it came time for Thomas to repeat what the minister said, he took a breath and shook his head. Looking into my eyes, the guilty look only continuing to grow upon his face.

"I-I can't do this," he whispers, my mouth dropping open in shock.

"Thomas- what's wrong?" I asked in worry, my heart threatening to break free from my chest.


That one word said it all, Thomas felt guilty, but for what reason I did not know. My head began to swim with negative thoughts, and I soon realized what was happening.

"Laila, I-I'm so sorry. But I can't do this, I can't marry you," he spoke in another whisper.

Those four little words were enough to make my heart stop, maybe even breaking it in the process. Wrenching my hand away from his already slipping grip, I felt hot tears cascading down my face.

"W-why? Thomas- y-you don't mean that!" I all but shouted, my voice cracking with each word. Thomas blinked, before taking a couple of steps backward. He was already down the last steps of the altar before he said his final words to me.

"I can't marry you, I'm sorry,"  he said.

And with that, he was almost jogging down the aisle to get away before he caused anymore damage. But the damage was done, I was a blubbering mess before he even reached the door. The hundreds of people watched in shock as the groom left his bride, sudden whispers breaking out between the people. Claire was already by my side as I fell to the ground, her arms pulling me into an embrace.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, the world around me only adding onto reality. He left me, no explanation, no time for me to prepare myself for what he had done. So here I was, a crying mess sitting on the steps of the altar with my best friend and mother surrounding me. The people invited to come to what was supposed to be a memorable, happy occasion, instead turned out to be a day in watching a broken down bride. Today would be memorable alright, everyone would remember the day I was left at the altar. The day that I lost all belief in the meaning of love.

Well, the story is going to be rewritten. I have thought the entire plot line through although it may take a while to be updated. But the book will be completed.

Vote, comment, love it.

Riss xx

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