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Apparently, I'm still in a camp sort of thing with our class, meaning Kean's joining in as well. Not so bad for a kind of person like him since he's really that anti-social type and doesn't really interact with all the people in our class. He's only got a couple of persons that are so close to him namely, me and Daniel. I still hang out with him, on weekends when he and Daniel would want to like missing each other. It's cute isn't it? Imagine, two lovebirds get separated for a short while and then when they finally meet, they'll be rejoicing and kissing and hugging and such things. Sweet thought.... Almost killing me inside... still...Thinking about them now... it's just so...

"Liam, come here for a moment! We need you to sort this stuff so that we can move on to our next activity." One of our classmates, Jesse, yelled at me, asking for help. I approached them immediately, not brooding anymore, well I'll have to set that aside for the mean time. "Okay, I need you to sit next to Kean and keep the weight down on that balance. It's hard to keep it straight and we are almost winning this challenge." He said, pointing me to the balance where Kean was sitting on the other side.

"C'mon Liam, don't be a slouch. Sit your ass down here right now." Kean tapped the empty space next to him. I walked up to him, stared at his position for a while and giggled. He was sitting, legs crossed, one arm tied to his back and well his head tilted to his side. He really got himself in a very cramped position since the place where he was sitting was really small, than only his butt can fit.

"Do I have to imitate what you're doing?" I asked, knowing that I'd probably do what he's doing. "Do I have to imitate what you're doing?" He repeated, smirking. "Ugh, just answer me straightforward, do I have to?"

"Ugh, just answer me straightforward, do I have to?" He repeated again, about to burst into laughter when he finished that. "Seriously?!" I gave him a cold glare. "Seriously?!" only to be imitated again.

This is just annoying me. I guess this is the way he wanted to tell me that I should follow what he's doing. I sat on the other side, tried to copy his stance and then tried to sit back, pulling myself up and balanced it.



"Finally I got something with sense coming from your mouth." I sighed in relief now that he's not trying to imitate me. "Well I just have to ask you one thing. Did you-"

"Guys, we're done! Let's go!" Jesse shouted. "Save it for later Li, the game's still on."

"-really love me before, with all you've got?" I... Couldn't even finish the question right in front of him... It only got stuck in my mind. There's no point into asking him that anyways and there's absolutely no time for me to bother about such. Now is not the right time to ask him.


Sometime later, we made it through the challenges and we ended up second place. Gosh the last challenge was hell. We were asked to do a long worm, short worm game, the one that you have to run and then go back to your like at the back, crawling under your teammates while their legs are split apart, then you pick up your next teammate. It was totally exhausting, just as tiring as it could get before we can have our refreshments. It's good too that they're giving out some now and the timing could never be perfect.

We sat down the corner where Kean and I were throwing pebbles into the beach The water looks cool but then we're not yet allowed to swim there. Still, it really looks so tempting. It shines back like diamonds, dancing as they hit the rocks. Well nothing's wrong if I invite Kean for a swim right?

"Hey, let's go and swim now. I'm so sweaty and well this place isn't like ours back there at Dunedin, considering that it's winter at the moment." Kean surprisingly invited me. He pulled me up and dragged me towards the shore, the water was just freezing cold, so intolerable! Gosh, he doesn't even feel a thing as he tried to jump and splash all the water which invited more of our classmates, then everybody started running.

Must I take this chance now? I know it's inappropriate for me to ask that but I need to do it , just to have that peace of mind I've been looking for. I literally have a lot of sleepless nights since then, trying to figure out what I really feel or what he feels towards me, whether it was genuine or not. I just have to make sure for one last time and that will be the end of it.

"So, are you going to ask me that question? I'm all ears now." as he went to the side, holding my hand. Nervous... I'm shivering... inside... But I got to... Be confident, Li. You've got this one chance now, don't let it pass. "Alright, if you insist; did you really love me before, with all that you've got?"

"Li, I've really loved you, with all my heart. I really did feel that way towards you." Almost tearing up and avoiding my eyes, he said those, those words, full of meaning, full of love. Now I'm sure, I have that sense of confidence, that peace of mind. "Kean, can I say this for one last time? I love you. This will be the last time I'm gonna ask you about it."

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