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The rain was pouring down on the small town of Romford, England. The rain was a normal thing for England and most English natives were quite pale because of how little sunlight England got and some, like Perrie Edwards, were close to a Vitamin D deficiency. The thunder rumbled through the sky and the lightning bolted against the land.

Perrie had always been very scared of thunderstorms. Her ears were quite sensitive and her senses often failed her. Her hair was drenched as well as her clothes. Her backpack was soaked and her notebook pages were done for. Perrie couldn't  see the pavement at all. The wind was howling and Perrie was stuck in the very middle of it, screaming every time the thunder rumbled and nearly crying each time she saw a thunder bolt.

"Ms. Edwards, are you alright?" Perrie heard the voice of another woman. Perrie could only see a silhouette until the face got closer. She recognized her as the student aide at her Uni.

Everyone called the woman Ms. Nelson, even though she wasn't technically their teacher. She was a Senior at Uni, but she was on trial for her teaching degree in Perrie's creative writing class. Perrie wasn't quite sure what her actually name was. She was sure that Professor Donoghue told the class her name at one point, but Perrie couldn't quite remember.

Perrie didn't know how Ms. Nelson could see her in the storm, but presumably, Ms. Nelson had perfect vision and Perrie was nearly blind without her glasses and of course, today of all days, is the day that she forgets her glasses at home.

She really needed contacts and a jacket. Definitely a car, but her dumb ass couldn't drive for the life of her.

"Hi, Ms. Nelson." Perrie tried to greet her peer nicely, but it was hard to talk without getting a rainstorm in her mouth as she did.

"Please, Perrie. Just call me Jesy. What are you doing in the rain?" her student aide asked her.

"Trying to go home, but I don't have a car, so I have to walk." Perrie explained.

"I could drive you home, Perrie. It'd be no problem." Jesy suggested, trying to place her umbrella over Perrie's drenched head.

"Thanks, Ms. Nel--or Jesy, sorry." Perrie caught herself, thanking her teacher of sorts.

"Of course, Perrie. Follow me." Jesy smiled, keeping the umbrella over Perrie's head, not being worried about her head getting wet in the process.

Perrie soon found her way to a gray Lexus and Jesy opened the passenger door for her.

"I really don't want to get your seats wet." Perrie whined as Jesy got into the driver's seat.

"Perrie, it's fine. Seriously. Now, where's your house?" Jesy asked.

"It's not much further. Just a block away. Two turns left and you're there." Perrie instructed the older woman.

Jesy smiled, turning on the music slightly to help calm the silence.

Jesy always liked Perrie. Of course, she was an engaged woman and she was definintely not gay, but she wouldn't be the first to admit that Perrie was drop dead gorgeous. Perrie was beautiful with or without make up, but especially pretty without it. She had luscious short blonde hair. She had recently dyed it platinum blonde and cut it shoulder length and it was so pretty. Perrie's eyes were pretty too. An ocean blue type of color, but Jesy especially liked to see people's imperfections. Jesy noticed how Perrie always tried to cover up the mole on her upper lip with dark lipstick and how her scar on her stomach was only visible when her shirt rode up from reaching up for something. Jesy found something beautiful in seeing someone else's imperfections.

"So, have you finished your creative story, Perrie?" Jesy asked, trying to start up conversation with the blonde, but Perrie was slightly distracted.
Perrie hadn't really noticed just how pretty Jesy was until ten minutes ago. Jesy looked nice everyday, but Perrie was never so up close and personal to the woman. Jesy just always seemed so put together and she had a body to die for. Jesy's hair was dyed well over three months ago to a strawberry brunette type of colour and the colour was absolutely gorgeous on her, but two weeks ago she cut her hair shoulder length which inspired Perrie to do the same thing with her hair. Perrie kind of admired the aide. Jesy was so perfect. Perrie could find no imperfections in her. It was like she was the perfect human being. With the perfect face, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect green eyes--green had always been Perrie's favorite eye colour--Perrie was just mesmerized with her beauty.

"Perrie, hello? Anybody home?" Jesy chuckled, waving a hand in front of Perrie's face.

"God, I'm sorry. I zoned out. Can you repeat that?" Perrie apologized. She was utterly embarrassed. She was basically checking out her teacher. It was fucking awkward.

"Did you finish your short story?" Jesy asked again.

"Oh, yeah. I finished it last night." Perrie answered.

"What's it about? If you don't mind me asking." Jesy asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Well, it's a forbidden love story. It's about two women that fall for each other, but their families can't accept their sexuality and force them to go to conversion therapy and they run away together. It's kind of dumb, but I liked the idea at the time." Perrie explained.

Jesy smiled, "I like it. No idea is dumb, Ms. Edwards. I'm excited to read it."

"Thanks, Ms. Nelson." Perrie said, seeing her house nearby. This was the end of their journey and Perrie almost wanted to tell Jesy that that was the wrong house just to spend more time with her, but that would be selfish and she'd see Jesy tomorrow anyway.

"Right down there, Jesy." Perrie said, pointing to her house at the end of the street.

Jesy pulled up next to the quaint townhouse. The red head looked at Perrie and smiled. Perrie seemed almost hesistant to go.

"Is everything alright?" Jesy asked.

"Y-yeah, Miss. I just think too much, but um, I was wondering if you had some time on your hands, whether you could teach me a bit more about creative writing. I am studying to be an author, so I could really use the help, but I understand if you don't have the time." Perrie stuttered and stumbled over her words. Jesy found it very endearing.

"Of course, Perrie. It's no problem at all," Jesy paused, pulling her phone out of her back pocket.

She continued, "Put in your number. I'll text you and we'll figure out a good time for us both."

Perrie smiled and nodded, punching her number in Jesy's phone and making her contact name Pez.

"Have a good day, Ms. Nelson. I'll see you tomorrow." Perrie smiled, slowly getting out of the door, but before Perrie could exit the car, Jesy stopped her.

"You as well, Ms. Edwards. I look forward to seeing you outside of class." Jesy waved at the blonde as said girl ran inside her house.

The rain was still very bad, but she'd survive. As Perrie entered her home, she couldn't stop smiling. She screamed in excitement. Perrie was really smitten with Jesy, even though they didn't know each other all that well. This could be the start of something new.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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