Temmie was going on a walk, hoping to find more stuff for her shop. But Temmie notices a yellow flower.
Flowey:Howdy! I am Flowey, Flowey the Flower!
Temmie: hOi! I iS tEmMIe! wOuLD yoU lIkE tO SeE mY tEm sHoP!?
Flowey: eh sure...
Temmie brought Flowey to the Tem shop, but when Flowey got there, he noticed Frisk.
Flowey told Temmie that Frisk was evil and that you must KILL to stay safe. Temmie listened but, it was not the right thing to say.
Temmie: wHEN i gET eNOUGH mONEY, tEMMIE wILL gO tO cOlleg!
Flowey: Maybe Sans can help you
Temmie: fRISK wILL hELP mE gO tO cOLLEG!
Flowey: No! Frisk is bad!
-Frisk would buy Temmie Colleg-
Temmie: hOI!
Flowey: .....