My first day in intro to computers I didn't really want to be in there but I had no other choice so I had to deal with it. We talked about what i'll goal was for this class:100%. An then I was excited to know we were going to work on computers. I like taking apart the computer parts and putting them back together.
The next day I went to class we talked about the ways you protect yourself when working on a computer. Mrs.Jordan told the class that two ways you protect yourself when working on a computer is to wear a anti-static wrist band or use a anti-static mat. Mrs.Jordan also told them that there are two things you should NEVER open,the monitor and power supply. Mrs.Jordan showed them how to take the computer apart. Mrs.Jordan told them that they were going to be taking the computers apart next week by their selves.
The next week Mrs.Jordan started telling us about computer apart and she told us we had to work together with one other person, one person would take it apart and the other would put it back together. Mrs.Jordan told us a story about when a boy named Bob worked on the computer parts and Bob started playing with the power supply and was about to open it. Then somebody screamed out " NO Bob NO ! don't open that you'll die" . Bob just laughed and opened it anyway and all the volts held in the power supply went through his body and he flew to the wall and everyone ran over to see what happened and Bob was laying on the floor he died. The teacher called the ambulance.
The next day the class talked about how to treat a customer. You should always treat the customer with respect and never argue with them even when they're disrespectful to you , don't use technical terms that the customer wouldn't be able to understand. So then they had to do a skit to demonstrate how you suppose to treat customers. An listen to what the customer has to say and don't argue with them if they get irritated. If someone tries to talk to you while talking to a customer tell them you'll talk to them later then apologize to the customer about the interruption.
Tuesday morning I went to class and we had to look for new technology. I found a new technology on a thing that pregnant women put on their stomach and if the baby kicks or make a movement it'll tweet something like " Mommy I just kicked ". Then they had to present it to the class. The next day the class had to look for a current event from another country. The class also had to explain the computer parts to the class. Amy was the first person to go " this is the: CPU it's the brain of the computer, RAM stick it holds data put it's not permanent.
Wednesday morning the class researched leaders from other countries. My group did Iraq, and its leader Jalal Talabani.