Chapter 1 ~ The Present

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Today has not been the greatest day. Twilight is sitting at her desk, drowning in self-pity. It's 8th period. Normally she sits with her friends during Science, but somehow she had made both of her friends angry at her. It was meant as a joke, but here she is, by herself, and it's obvious they didn't see it as a joke. Tears brim her eyes as she remembers the shouting voices of Miley and Lisa. She has seen both of them angry before, but Twilight has never been at the receiving end of it. Their voices had cut right through her already fragile heart. She knew they would be angry, that was the point, but not this angry. It was a prank.


She closes her eyes as she remembers what she did. The week before, students were selling Candy Grams, since it would be Valentine the following week. Twilight had bought one, and send it to Miley's crush, Corden. Twilight had signed it with Miley's name. She had done it to annoy Miley, but also to help her, because Twilight knew Miley would never express her feeling to Corden herself. All week Twilight had lived in quiet anticipation waiting for Corden to receive it. Corden had received it yesterday. Twilight had hardly been able to contain her smile and excitement. When her homeroom teacher, Mrs. Donker had read out the names, Corden's face had lit up with surprised confusion when he heard his name. When he opened the little card, his eyes widened in shock, immediately going into a deep blush. Twilight knew what it said, Dear Corden, these are for you. I love you. Miley with lots of little hearts all around it. Beside her, she heard a disappointed smile from Miley, as she saw that someone had gotten to Corden before her. Twilight smiled to myself. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Lisa eyeing her suspiciously as if she didn't trust Twilight. Which she shouldn't. Twilight had a skill at annoying the crap out of people. 

The next day, both Miley and Lisa had ignored Twilight from the minute they stepped into the school building. Since they both take the same bus, Twilight had kept two seats empty, one for each of them, but they had just stalked past her. They didn’t talk to her all through homeroom, period 2, 3, 4, 5, and lunch. During recess, Twilight had finally managed to scrape all her courage together and demanded what their problem was. They looked at her like she just asked why the grass was green. Then Miley started crying and Lisa started shouting. Twilight noticed that they were making a scene, but the two girls in front of her didn’t seem to notice. 

“I can’t believe what you did,” Lisa hissed at Twilight, “You’re the most cold-hearted person I have ever met! I can’t believe I actually talked to you!” Ouch, that hurt. Twilight hadn’t really been paying attention to what Lisa was shouting, but as she noticed the faces of the people surrounding them, she put in some effort to listen. The words that Lisa was throwing at her hurt. 

“It was just a prank, I thought I was helping,” she said carefully. A few people laughed, and Twilight cracked a smile. 

“A prank! You call that a prank! I call that outright a horrendous move! You’ve gone too far, Twilight Banks!” Lisa shouted, “And you thought you were helping?! Helping who or what exactly?!” Her voice was mocking.

“Miley,” Twilight said. And she saw Lisa’s eyebrows shoot up in disapproval. “I thought I was doing her a favor, by making Corden now that she fancied him!” Twilight shouted. Someone coughed behind her. Cordon looked at her with his eyes full of anger. Oops, she had not meant to say that. 

“Wow! That helped,” Lisa’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, “Thanks a lot!” They then turned away. 

“Wait up! I swear, I didn’t mean it like this,” Twilight hated how her voice sounded so pleading, but she couldn't help it. They circle around her started breaking up, and people moved towards Miley and Lisa, asking for details and saying how sorry they were for Miley. Lisa and Miley don’t answer all the questions. Eventually, all the students went back to whatever they were doing, and Twilight was left standing by herself. 


Twilight opens her eyes again. The class is over, one more period, and then she can finally go home and cry. She already knows that it will not be fun when she’s home. Usually, when Twilight is upset she tends to snap at everything and everyone that comes too close. Which ruins that whole mood of her family. 

In front of Twilight is a present. She hasn’t noticed anyone putting it there. She looks around, before turning over the little heart-shaped card. In beautiful cursive letters, it says Happy Valentine, Twilight. It doesn't have another name on it so Twilight doesn’t know who it’s from. She looks around again, but everyone has left the classroom. The present has gorgeous wrap paper around it. It’s designed after her name, a beautiful twilight sky. She decides to take it, maybe she has a secret lover. It’s Valentine’s day after all. 


Later that night, Twilight is alone in her room. She’s sitting cross-legged on her bed. In front of her is the mystery present. She’s been sitting there for at least an hour, staring at it, almost scared to open the thing. Every time she thinks she will open it, she changes her mind. Twilight has an uneasy feeling all over her body, she can’t shake the feeling that when she opens it, something bad will happen. Finally Twilight lets her curious side take over. She snatches it up and rips the paper off. She then puts it back down, without really looking at it. 

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