To Save A Man Named Sherlock

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The blue box appeared on the street. The Doctor walked out closely followed by his friend, Clara.

"Ahh! London." He said. He stuck out his tongue. "Alternate universe. And it is a good one."

"How do you know?" asked Clara.

"Metallic air. It always is somewhat metallic in alternate universes.

"Huh. Cool!" she said "Soooo. What is so cool about this universe?"

"Mr. Sherlock Holmes is real here. And in this one it is all modern and new." The Doctor answered. "In fact here he is now." He pointed to a person getting out of a cab. The Doctor walked up to him.

"Hello Mr. Holmes." He said. Sherlock looked up and down the young man.

"Hello." He brushed past The Doctor and stalked into his flat.

"Well. He seems like a lovely person!" said Clara cheerfully.

"He is." The Doctor answered "When you get to know him."

They walked into the TARDIS.

"Are we leaving already?" asked Clara

"No. "

"So why did we come back inside?"

"I don't know. We need to get his attention somehow."

"Why?" asked the girl.

"Something is going to happen to him soon. Some thing bad." He swung around the console of the time machine.

"Where are we going?!" asked Clara again.

"To find some friends."

They landed again in the sunlight of California.

"Are we in America now?" asked Clara as she stepped out of the TARDIS.

"Yes. I need some find some friends."he answered.

"And who would those friends be?" she said.

"Two hunters, and an angle."

"That is an interesting mix." Clara said

"They will know how to get his attention."

"Doctor, I don't know if you have realised this but...we are in America and he is in London."

"Ya. I know. We will just use the TARDIS."

"These people have never been in the TARDIS before have they, Doctor?"

"No. But they are used to VERY weird stuff." The Doctor said. He looked at a black Impala parked on the side of the road.

"They are I that bar." he said

"How do you know? Clara asked.

"That is their car. The bar was almost empty so you could plainly see three men sitting at the bar. One with long dark brown hair. He was reading some sort of journal.

The second with short dirty blond hair and a square jaw. He was drinking a beer and looked like he had already drank many.

The last had shortish brown hair. He was wearing a long tan trench coat.

"Those are your friends?" said Clara.

"Yup. That is Sam and Dean Winchester, the hunters. And Castiel Novac, the angle." He explained.

The man named Castiel looked over at them.

"Doctor?" he asked

"Hey Cas!" said the Doctor walking over to Castiel. "How are you?"

"Um, fine. You?" he asked.

"Good, good." he motioned for Clara to come over and say hi. "This is Clara."

'Hi." Clara said shaking Castiel's hand.


"Who are you?" asked the American named Sam.

"Old friends Sam. It is ok." defended Castiel. "What are you doing here?"

"I want" the Doctor mumbled "We wanted to take you guys to England with us. There is some stuff going on there." he said

"Uh? London?Why?" asked Cas.

"Cus, like I said there is some stuff you guys might want to check out."

"You want Sam and Dean to come too?" Cas asked

"Sure! they are the experts right?"

"Sam? Dean? We just got an offer for a job in England. Do you want to take it?" Sam started to answer but his brother butted in,

"Yes! Yes we want to take it" he said.

"Well then!" The Doctor said joyfully "Shall we go?"

"Sure." said Castiel "But Doctor, how will we get there?"

"Well." the Doctor clapped his hands "I do happen to have a Time and Space machine..." Castiel, Sam, and Dean all looked up with very surprised faces.

"But...that," Dean started.

"That is impossible!" said Sam

"Mabel now, for humans. But not for an alien from the future." explained the Doctor. "So, to the TARDIS?"

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