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Name:  Eric Davis

Nickname :  deathy

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: clam,sweet,and cool

How he looks:

↑Eric with his mask on

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Eric with his mask on

                         ↑      Eric with his mask off

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      Eric with his mask off

Species: reaper/human

sexuality: bi

Likes: darkness,candy,books,killing, and hugs

Dislike: bugs and very bright places and being tell what to do

Back story: Eric was always alone had no friend his Foster  parent didn't even like him, he was adopt his real parent was demons they really didn't care about him, Eric in school he was bully badly when he was 13 and never talk to people unless if he have to. Eric turn 16 he became a reaper but he wanted to be love by somebody.

If a smut:

Turn on: biting, pulling hair,and telling u what to do basically anything

Turn off: nothing

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