I have never been more proud of myself

119 9 15

just moved so doesn't no bout no deberes
History hw
Come to front table by table and sit to show work
Every table done
Last one, everyone goes up
Millie is on lapppp
'Well done, sweetheart can u do da shit?'
'Ya dad'
Sneaky ass dickhead notices the fing
'Oi oi show me your work?'
Please no I have the bravery of a chicken nugget
Gets up
Realises he's a fucking giant
'Stand up for me'
Terrified af
Sits down
Wow he's finally shorter
'Come and sit down here.'
Stiff as hell (u dirty lil shit)
Hands across lap and round back rubbing back cause duh
'Relax, get to it.'
Yay I can live happily as a shy ass chicken nugget
But at same time lil tear bc little
'Get over here lil beetle.'
Hug it out in it #theusual
'My head feels funny.' Painkillers and runny shit
Help with work bc he's a clever muthafukah

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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