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      Being the daughter of a pastor is not very fun. Pray, pray, pray. Without any sign of ending. 
      "Naomi, don't forget to pray before you go to school!" My father exclaimed. I sat up in my bed, taking in my surroundings. Oh yeah, we moved. Rubbing my eyes, I pulled my sheets to the side. Just as I was getting up, my father burst through my door.
      "Did you hear me- Good God almighty! Naomi Terryn, put on some clothes for goodness sake!" He averted his eyes. I looked down, I had on basketball shorts and a bra. I rolled my eyes and rummaged through my dresser, throwing on a shirt. "Better?" I said, sarcasm echoing in my voice. After being checked in all directions known to man, I earned a quick nod. "Much better." My father smiled. "Now, did you hear what I said?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes, I did. I'll pray before I go to school. Now go, your new church needs you." I planted a soft kiss on his forehead and forced a smile. "Okay sweetie, daddy loves you. I'll see you after school!" He ruffled my hair and headed out of the house. My smile faded to a deadpan, and I changed my clothes. Okay, I'll admit it, I dress kind of slutty. But believe me, you'd do the same if your father made you wear your Sunday best almost everyday! I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy bun. "Good morning, sexy." I winked at myself in the mirror and stuck my tongue out. Beau-ti-ful!
      I heard the rumbling of a car as someone pulled into my driveway. I peeked out the window. My friend Andrew was waiting for me. He looked in my direction and winked, simultaneously honking the horn. I watched him as he turned off the car and opened the door, letting one leg hang out as he grabbed his phone. A frown etched across my face. I don't know why I watched his every movement.
      Oh yea, you like him. But that doesn't mean you need to watch him through your window like a nosy old hag.
      The harsh sound of my phone vibrating on my desk pulled me from my thoughts. I scrambled over to it and swiped the answer button, putting it on speaker. "Hello?" I said calmly.
      "I'm sorry, grandma. I didn't mean to interrupt your people watching." Andrew laughed. His mean but gentle tone sent electricity through my fingertips stopping at my toes. "If you weren't so noisy in that raggedy car of yours, I wouldn't have been watching ya, sonny." I nagged in my best granny voice. "Well come on, grandma. Your raggedy chariot awaits." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. That was the only thing I needed to hear. I could always count on him to make my morning.
      "Be down there in a moment. Just gotta put on my girdle." I laughed and hung up. I put on my boots and grabbed my bag. I frantically searched for my glasses. How could I forget to grab the most crucial part of my life? I growled, bending down to search under the couch.
      "Wow, what a pleasant view, Mimi." I jumped and threw my bag toward the voice. I didn't hear Andrew even come in. Tch, sneaky bastard. He caught my bag, setting it down beside him. "Really, Mimi? Polkadots? What're you, four?" Andrew cocked his head to the side, flashing me his perfect smile. I huffed and pulled my pants up. "It's not nice to sneak into someone's house, Drew. Especially when the only person in the house is bent down, all vulnerable and unaware." I stood upright and crossed my arms. He chuckled and spun a key on his finger. "Key's under the mat. I let myself in. Now hurry up, we're gonna be late." Drew spun on his heel and grabbed my bag, throwing it over his shoulder. "By the way, I have your glasses." He held them up and walked out. I sighed and followed, locking the door behind me. "I knew that." I mumbled and got in the car.
      "It's okay, you still love me." He said as he got in the car as well. He started the car and held out his pinkie. "Come on, bestie." He coaxed, wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled and intertwined my pinkie with his as he drove to the school.
      Andrew was the first person to speak to me when I started school here. I was stubborn, though. We moved so much, I didn't even care about making friends, or even talking. But Drew insisted we talk. Although we're just friends, we always acted like we were more than that. Acted, that is. My feelings grew for him, but he found himself a damsel in distress and now he's taken. Man, I wish I didn't fall.
                             ~      ~
      "Oh, Mimi, I'm taking you to my house so you can meet some people." Drew said as we walked to his car. "My cousins moved in with us. They're gonna start coming to Witlin with us starting on Monday." I tossed my bag in the back seat and hopped in the passenger seat. "Oh, really?" I looked at him. He nodded, starting the engine. "Twins. A boy and a girl. Aidyn and Aria." My eyebrow quirked at the name. "Very interesting names. Take me home, then." He playfully rolled his eyes as he cruised off campus. "My aunt is very creative, I guess. But she sadly passed away, so they're living with us for now." Drew said softly. "Are they cute, at least?" I leaned away from him, expecting a pop on the back of the head.
      That pop didn't come, though. He looked at me, then at the road, then back at me. His eyebrows stitched into a look of uncertainty. "Oh, you're serious! I guess. I don't look at them like that, ya know. I'm off the radar." My heart sank at his words. Off the radar. Taken. I brushed the thought out of existence as he pulled into his driveway. "They're nice people, though. But Aidyn is a bit flirtatious, so don't mind him." I nodded quickly and got out of the car.
      Drew unlocked the door and looked at me. "Ladies first." I smiled and walked in. "Why thank you." Looking around, I noticed someone walk out of a room and lean on the balcony. "Oi, welcome home, nerd." A deep voice emitted from the foreign being. Bolts of electricity ran from my fingertips to my thighs, pooling between them. I looked up at the owner of the voice, following his movements as he strode down the stairs.
      "Who's this cutie? You cheating on your girl, Drew?" I eyed the person's features. Sharp jawline, perfect lips, dark brown hair. His eyes were dark, darker than his messy hair. Like two orbs of onyx, staring into my soul. My words got caught in my chest. "Aidyn, this is my best friend, Naomi. Naomi, this is my cousin, Aidyn." Drew's voice echoed behind me. Aidyn's lips drew into a crooked smile. "Nice to meet you, little miss Naomi." His voice was gentle, but heavy, more than Andrew's. More masculine, much more...exciting. There was something about him that made me want him. I don't know if it was either his muscles rippling through his almost skin tight shirt, or the way his eyes were practically devouring me. It made me excited, but a bit scared, too.
      Something tells me I should be careful around him.

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