❤Mr. Preda❤

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His classroom smelled of sweat and hard work, he was know to be the most strict teacher in California.
I'm not going to lie he's a very attractive man, he is very tall and sexy.... His name is Preda, Daniel Preda.
It was my first day I walked into my classroom and started setting up my things on my desk. My tape,ruler,pictures and my attendance book.
As the students started pilling in I was distracted by a loud banging sound I glanced across the wide hallway and made eye contact with Mr.Preda. He winked at me as he pushed a tall lanky boy out of his classroom. I was in a daze...
Mr.... MR
oh yeah, ok class my name is Mr.Graceffa but you can call me Mr. G today we will be learning about... Mr Preda? There he was at my door standing there with that sexy look on his face. I could tell the students knew what was going on because after only an hour of being at that school they started calling us JANIEL..
Mr. Graceffa..
Can I see you in the hallway?
Yeah of course
OHHHHHHHHHHHH the class roared

Hey pretty boy here is a note for you he said with that same look on his face
Oh ok thanks I said blushing
See you later Joey....
The letter
Hey sexy boy I noticed you staring at me. Meet me in my classroom at lunch..;)

Xoxo~Mr Preda

Hope you all enjoy❤

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