⚪Chapter One⚪The Task (Part 1)⚪

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Freddy peeked open his eyes, sitting up in the bed before yawning and stretching. He glanced down at his side, checking to see if the purple haired bunny was still asleep. Luckily, he was.

Freddy smiled and slipped on some socks. He quietly went down the carpeted stairs and made his way into the kitchen.

The house had an easy set up. Freddy and Bonnie's room was right beside the wall that blocks the stairs. Their room is near the bathroom. Red and Clyde's room (Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie's room) was at the end of the hallway, on the other side of the bathroom.

On the other half, Springtrap's room was at the far end, further away from everyone else's while Goldie's room (Golden Freddy's room) was right in front of the stairs.

The only reason Springtrap and Goldie didn't share a room was because Springtrap refused to.

But back to Freddy.

Freddy walked to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge. He wanted to cook some food for everyone, as a special surprise, y'know?

"Hey Freddy!" Freddy jumped as he heard the voice of his older brother. Gosh, was that dude a creep or what?

Freddy slowly closed the fridge door, looking at Goldie, who was sitting on the kitchen counter, shirtless. He only had pajama pants on and bunny slippers. Pink ones, to be exact.

"Hello, Goldie." Freddy muttered, opening up the fridge again and grabbing the food that he was going to cook for breakfast.

Goldie faked a frown, "That's not a way to treat your older brother, Freddy. You don't treat Red that way."

"Well that's because he's not as weird as you."

"What do you mean 'not as weird as you'?" Red asked, appearing from behind the corner. He was wearing a grey dinosaur shirt with red pajama pants. "I'm nowhere as weird as him!"

Freddy sighed, "Sorry. Didn't really mean it."

~Time skip to when breakfast is done~

When they finished cooking- yes, Red and Goldie helped- they went upstairs to get their loved ones. Except Goldie. He wanted to be as far away from Springtrap as he can get.

Freddy walked downstairs, holding Bonnie's hand. Freddy and Bonnie sat beside each other. Red and Clyde came down next. Red was carrying Clyde bridal style. They decided to sit down beside each other, too.

And last but not least, Springtrap walked down by himself. He looked partially mad about something, but Goldie turned away from him as he sat down.

"I'll serve the food." Goldie suddenly said as he heard Springtrap call his name.

Goldie quickly grabbed plates. Freddy decided to help him, mainly to talk to him.

"Goldie, what's wrong?" Freddy asked silently, trying to keep their conversation secret.

Goldie turned towards Freddy, his smile wavering a bit. "Why do you care, Freddy?"

"Because, family needs to stick together." Freddy whispered back.

"Well, there's some things that family doesn't need to know about." Goldie whispered and raised his voice a bit, "Hey guys. I think I'm gonna eat in my room!"

As Goldie started to briskly walk away, he felt someone grab his wrist. He turned around, about to yell at the person who had grabbed his arm- he didn't care if it was one of his brothers or not- until he noticed it was Springtrap.

"Hey Goldie, I need to tell you something really important."

"I'm pretty sure it can wait." Goldie growled, snatching his hand away from Springtrap. Then forced a smile and waved, "Toodles!" He had teleported away.

"...is he bipolar or something?" Springtrap asked to himself as he sat back down.

"Nah. He just prefers to use that as his technique. His getaway." Red replied, resting his hand up against his cheek. "He does that when he wants to hide his emotions."

Springtrap nodded and grabbed his plate, "I'm eating in my room." Springtrap said as he walked away.

After a few moments of silence, Clyde spoke. "Welp...That plan was a bust."

Freddy nodded lightly, "Yeah...Goldie wasn't supposed to...y'know..."

"Snap." Bonnie finished Freddy's sentence.

"I knew what I was saying!" Freddy yelled at Bonnie, blushing from embarrassment. "No need to finish my sentence for me!"

Bonnie chuckled at Freddy's blush. "You look adorable!" He poked Freddy's nose.

"Let's just focus on the task!" Freddy said, blushing even deeper before standing up and walking to Red and Clyde's side of the table.

"Whatever you say, Fredrick~" Bonnie purred.

Red and Clyde laughed at Freddy's reaction. Freddy had ran away from the dining table and upstairs.

"We might as well go with him." Red said after he calmed down from his laughing fit, "He's not that good at choosing his words carefully."

"Tell me about it..." Bonnie muttered jokingly, walking up the stairs with Clyde and Red.

When Bonnie arrived, he noticed that Freddy wasn't even at Goldie or Springtrap's door. Wow, he must've really been flustered...

"Hey Spring! It's Bonnie!" Bonnie knocked on the door to Springtrap's room.

"Come in." Springtrap replied. Bonnie opened and walked inside, Clyde following behind him.

Red stood outside, deciding to talk to Goldie.

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