Nothing Truly Matters (But You)

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Im gonna publish this against my better judgement. Its something I had to do for an English Project at school so, of course, I only finished it at about 2 am the day it was due. Then to my ever lasting frustration, I learned later on when I was already at school that the due date was moved. I wanted to cry.

So thats the history of this story. Don't take it too seriously, though Id love a few corrections. Photo is not mine. Happy readings!

"Love doesn't discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
We keep loving anyway,
We laugh and we cry and we break
And we make our mistakes"

                   - Lin-Manuel Miranda


"Venus looks lovely tonight."

Rowena turned away from the window of her bedchamber to look at her sister. Mary was leaning on the door, dressed in sleeping garb and her dark hair undone . Though her expressions betrayed nothing, her eyes were wistful and lonely. She looked exhausted, even though her room was only a floor above Rowena's.

"Mary," Rowena said worriedly. "You shouldn't be here."

Undeterred, her elder sister walked in to her room. "And why not? Is it against propriety for a princess to make late night visits to her beloved sister?"

"You should be in bed." Rowena insisted gently, walking towards Mary and taking the lamp from her frail hands.

"I am well."

"No, you are not." Rowena guided her into the seat near the window, opening it a little more. Taking out her handkerchief, she started carefully wiping the sweat from her sister's forehead. Mary shook her head and held her sister's wrist to stop further attempts.

"I am well, dearest."

Rowena let out a rare, unladylike snort. "You would say that even if you fell fifty feet from the ground."

"Truly, I am fine," The elder sister persuaded, her blue eyes shining.

The younger one shook her head but settled into the arm of the chair occupied by her sister. "No person would be alright after her fifth miscarriage."

"It is a burden I must bear." Mary stated firmly. Taking the brunette's hands, she squeezed them comfortingly. "Perhaps I am not fine, but I will be, dearest. Count on that."

"And then what? Father will sell you against to his highest bidder and sent to another country. Mary, you are lucky to be alive!"

"It was an unfortunate circumstance that my husband-"

"Former-husband" Rowena corrected, scowling.

"-Has decided my use has ended. Indeed, I am lucky to be divorced instead of hanged or beheaded." Mary continued."We must thank the Lord for his mercies."

"He must be a cruel Lord to create a sex treated lesser to men." Rowena spat, looking away.

Mary gasped. "Rowena!"

"Isn't it what is happening?" She asked, despaired. "We never stood a chance. We would never be given a choice, we would be sold, again and again, to secure alliances and wealth for our father."

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