Chapter 4

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"Mrs. Lucado a package came for you..." Isabel one of the maids walked up and held the package for her. It was clear that they were divorce papers because what other papers would she be receiving.

"Thank you Isabel, you may go."

"Of course excuse me." Isabel placed the papers on the bed and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Annabelle placed her hand on her belly as she slowly made her way to the bed and sobbed "maybe it's better this way since he is with someone else already... but I promise you baby I love you and I will never leave you."

Annabelle walked up to her cellphone and dialed the number of one of the most important people in her life Zackary.

"Hello thank you for calling Mr. Walden's office how can I help you?"

"Hey Rose can I talk to Zack please?"

"Actually Mrs. Lucado Mr. Walden is in a meeting but I can ask him to call you as soon as he gets out."

"Thanks Rosie."

Annabelle hung up and passed her room from wall to wall. She was crying but when she caught her reflection she decided that no more tears she walked up to the mirror and wiped her eyes. "No more tears from now on I fight for you and I will be strong." She starred down at her belly rubbing it in small circles. "You are my life and I will keep going for you!"

"Mr. Walden..." Zack looked up as Rose knocked on his door and walked in. She had a huge beaming smile. He knew Rose was in love with him, he had known it since the day she walked in here on her first day, she flirted with him none stop but was professional so he kept her and did not fire her. As beautiful as she was he could not love her or that is what he told himself every single day. The person he was in love was the forbidden fruit. He had loved her since the day they met and those feelings had to be buried because she was married.

"Mr. Walden... Mrs. Lucado called." He felt his heart skip a beat and saw Roses face fall. He knew why Annie had called, her and Xavier had been having problems and he hoped even thought it was the worst thing to hope for as her best friend that Xavier had sent the divorce papers and that after all these years he could fight for her.

"Thank you Rose. I will call her now."

Zack walked to his window, which was a few blocks from Xaviers bulding and Anabelles and he looked up at Xavier's building he had always hated that his office and he had to look up at him, he heard Annabelle answer on the third ring.


"Annie its Zack honey, is everything ok?

"Oh Zackary he sent me the divorce papers and I got the news today... I don't know what to do I feel like I can't breathe Zackary."

"What news Annie?"

Zack could hear the pain in her voice and all he wanted to do was hold her tight and make it all go away. Zack held the phone but wasn't listening as he sat there he thought back to the first time Xavier and Annabelle talked if only he had been brave he would not have allowed it and they could have been married all this time.

Zackary walked into the library at Harvard laughing with Annabelle he felt like the luckiest guy because he saw how most men looked at Anabelle with lust and him with jealousy.

"I know you are laughing Zackary because you think I am exaggerating but I am not the dog almost bit me."

"Annie I love you and all but you are always exaggerating." He laughed shoving her shoulder softly.

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