She fell into his arms

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Nik's POV

I was wearing black jeans, black tshirt and my leather jacket. I was in Mystic falls and walking off my anger as my stupid witch was looking for the spell to brake the curse. I have been so angry at everything lately after taking over Rics body I learned I can't trust my brother Elijah anymore and it's official I have no one. I didn't need them either, I am fine on my own.

As I was walking down the ally I heard yelling and then seen something fall I caught it so it in my arms and looked down to see it was some blankets I was about to throw them until I heard a gurgle. I moved the blankets and seen the face of a bloodied baby "hello young one" I said and she looked at me. She was small and by the smell of the blood she was only a day old. I rested her on my shoulder and vampire jumped up to the room she was in.  I walked up to the window and see a couple kissing "excuse me but your baby fell and I happened to catch her." I said hoping they wouldn't ask questions how I caught her.  "Come in" the man said with a smirk. "get rid of it. The thing wouldn't even die when I tried to abort it. The useless thing just wants to ruin my life. I don't even know the father of the bitch" the girl said while sitting up. She was only in her underwear and walked to a cabinet then started to drink tequila and the guy laughed "it didn't fall. I pushed it" he said while standing up and and taking a cigarette off the nightstand. They both smelt bad like they hadn't showered in weeks and the apartment had a bunch of eviction notes "just give her to me we can use her when she's old enough. Then she can be a good slut just like her mother" the man said.

I felt anger rise in me and before I knew it they were dead. The baby was asleep and I sped back to my house "well love, I guess it's just you and me now. That's okay though because a king is stronger and wiser if he has a princess to protect and I won't let anything happen to my princess" I told her.

She woke up and started crying so I put my finger in her hand. She stopped crying and looked at me gurgling while her hand held my finger.  "okay love. We need to bath you, feed you and buy you everything you need. I know your little but I'm here for you now love, and I won't let you go until your ready"

After compelling a woman to get everything the baby will need. I took the infant to my personal bathroom and got a soft washcloth then gently wiped all the blood away.

She's beautiful. She has blonde hair and blue ocean eyes with little pink lips. She was pale skinned and perfect. The woman I had compelled came back with lots of things and I got some maids to put them in my room. I set the baby on the bed and she gurgled before falling asleep covered by one of my shirts to keep her warm.

As she slept I thought of a name for her. I wanted her to have a part of me but my younger brother Kol and Rebekah  always wanted children along with Elijah and Finn. Henrik would talk about family and how his wife would be the prettiest woman in the world. So I combined my family's names. Bekah Nikol Eliza Henrika Finaya (Finn and Fraya) Mikaelson.  That's a mouthful but she's officially a Mikaelson. 

I got her up and in a pink princess diaper and then Pjs with pink and white stripes. Then I put on her soft hat and she smiled.  I shook my head and smiled at the sleeping infant. I picked her up and she moved until she was comfortable. I thought she was asleep until I heard a pop kind of sound. I looked at her and her eyes were open as she did it again. It's was the most adorable thing in the world, she just hiccuped. I took a video on my phone and smiled.

I called over two of my soon to be dead witches and asked them to spell my room so no one can hear anything in it but me and put a barrier on my windows and made sure that no one other then Bekah and I could get in and out of the windows. They did so and then I killed them and all my maids. I can't have anyone going after my daughter because even though she's small, she has me rapped around her little finger.

I made dinner and got Bekah a bottle she whined and wouldn't drink I got mad and my face changed. Not because of her but because I'm a bad father. I seen her looking look at me in wonder and her mouth opened. I placed the bottle in her mouth and she suckled on the nipple drinking from it. While looking at me. My face turned back and she began to cry so I changed again and she stopped and started drinking again.

After finishing the bottle my she cried and I changed my face back to human. She looks at me and stopped "okay love. So you like my vampire face when I feed you but not when I hold you. You strange child." I say aloud. She just closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I had started drawing a portrait of Bekah and I until I heard her cries. I walk to my room and find her with a purple leg stuck in her crib and I panicked. I broke the crib and picked her up as her leg slowly changed back. It was a little bruised so I bit my finger and let the blood drop in her mouth. The bruises healed and I smiled at her. I felt my undead heart calm and I finally spoke "okay love, tonight you sleep with daddy. " I placed her in my bed and lay beside her. Her face is resting on one of my cotton shirts because her delicate head kept rolling back on the pillow.

Okay so I know it's short but I will update soon. Follow me. Comment.  Continue reading.

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