When anxiety kicks in, that's where you know you're fucked.
It's all began from you innocent childhood , when you be rejected billion of times, so you begin to understand the meaning of life. You become a teenager. And oh those fucked up things they say about you. You're only seeking attention, you're pointless, empty, dead
You're afraid
Afraid of being rejected, again.
Of being depressed. Cause only god knows how many times your soul died a little,oh wait, does he even exists ?
Well historically speaking nobody knows. That little feeling that bugs you to the point of hating yourself.
To the point that you wish you die in your sleep.
And by the way do you sleep well? Not counting the times before you got depressed I mean.
As I expected, ZERO.
You have no goal to reach being alive.
Maybe sending you where you live every night is better for the world
That place where darkness is the sky.
That place with all your imaginary creepy stuff
That place who's full of hate, sadness..
That place you call home❤