the school

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jae walked into the school building. she looked around her for no reason, jsut doing it because she had to be -----a e s t h e t i c-----. she whipped her dark, red hair around her head. she braided her hair just to look cool. even though she isn't. she really did try though. she was like that one person that didnt like anyone except for dosg. sje really liked dogs, like, sooooooo much. like 3 dogs are worth her life. she would die for those three dogs. a cat isn't as good to her even though they are the superior race. but whatever honestly. she really loves dogs especially pitsbuulls. they are really cute. back to the storooyyyyy.................................

jaer walked to her locker. she started 2 get her big porple binder for her school classes. she was about to grab her pencil case!!!! but!!! then!!!!!! she!!!!!!! looked!!!!!! across!!!!!!!!! the!!!!!!!!! hall!!!!!!!!!! she saw her super hot crush sav across the hall!!!!!! she started cryign!!!!!!!! because she is so gay for sav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she started imaginng what it would be like if sav loved her back~~~~~~!!!!!!! she could just think about her hot face sMOOCHING HER!!!!! on a scale from 1 to 10, she's an 11. thats gay. a lot.

she imagiend she and savv were on a dhot date iin the beach. they both walked across the hto hto hot hot sand. sav said "this sand is pretty hot, but not as hot as you." jae started blushing. she started blsuhing soooo much that her face tured red and she looked like a lobaster. sav said "u look like a lobster, but thats really cute" jae started cryign because she got so many compliments from the LOVE OF HER LIFE ande cryed. she looked like a wet, buttered lobster,. sav said "u look liek a buttered lobster. rthats really cute. hey wanna kissd": jae started to cry even so much more that she became dehydrated and died!!!!!

jae could just imagine that perfect date. 'honestly if that hapend i would die happily in that moment bc sav would love me back.' she sheda single tear. 'hang on what type of loser cries at her locker lol its like at school.' that last part wasa dream. anywyas she saw her SUPER HTO CRUSH SAV on the other side of the hall. her super best friend forever trinity was standing over there talkuign to sav. trinity knew that jae loved sav so trinity looked over and winked. jae got nervous. 'oh no what if she tell her i lOVE HER.................... OH NO' so jae started t oget really nervous probably. she saw trinity poinbt over to her and sav looked at jae. she smiled and jae blsuhed sOOOOOOO MUCH 'HOLY SHOOT (no swearinfg that's illegl guys) IM SO LESBIAN' 


"hey jae" sav calmly said. 'jhoow could she calmly say that?/!??!? with her black hair that is kind of long and her probably brown eyes!!!!!!!! and her outfit that was really cool!!!!! and her HOT FACE!!' jae though.t 

"uhhmmh well yeah im doing good hahahah how are you,," she said back to sav. 

"im trying to think of what to get my crush for valentine's day. hes really cute." sav said. jae looked down sadly. of course she's straight and likes a guy. she could feel her heart b r e a k. she really wanted  achance with sa fvbut she didnt realizxe she was a HETEROSEXUAL. 

"well........ eveyroen lieks birds. and flowers. you htink that would work??" she happily said, even though jae was broken inside. sav thought for 5 seconds.........

"well, ur favorite anima l is foxes! u think he would like foxes?????" sav asked, excitedyl. jae nodded, still sort of glad that her good friend/cruhs/SOULANMET! found happiness. "thank u jae!!" sav hugged jae and skipped away. jae could feel herself warm up and her heart break even more.

-2 day later-

the date was valentines day,,,, 2/14/2016. everyoen was getting their crushed sthe thigns they loved.

except for jae.

sher walked to her locker. she saw sav on the other side of the hall with a bopx in her hands and facing her locker. trinity was next 2 her patting her backl. suddenly, sav locked her locker (with the box still in hand) and diffapearrds down the hallway with trinity. jae sgihed because her friends WOUDLNT SPEND VALEBNTIENS DAY WITH HER!!!!!! HOW RUDE OH MYOGHS. she got her big porplea bunjder out of her locker and got readt y 2 get reayd 4 class. suddenly., herw locker cloesd on itself!!!! and on the other side stood a person, with a box full of fox pictures and a card that said 'be MY girlfriend hottie' held out to her. her

the person was.......................................


TO BE CONTINUES....................

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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