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 Annabelle stood looking out the massive window in Xavier's office. This is the view that she loved, her city below her from her husband's office and breathed in and back out. She turned as she felt a sneeze behind her. The twins Alexander and Alexandria were sleeping on the couch and between them was Alexis she was a year old now and her older brother and sister loved her so much. The twins had just turned four and each day they were getting bigger and smarter but it was clear that their little sister was there life.

Xavier smiled and kissed her. "I use to stand her and stare you sleep and would get distracted from work... for hours I would stare at you and picture us like this one day with a family and so in love just like when we were young."

She smiled at him and hugged him. "I love you... and I am glad we are here even if it was really painful getting here."

"I love you Anabelle and thank you for not giving up or for not stopping and always loving me."

"not possible... I will always love you... thank you for our family."

"No Anabelle thank you for our family... there is not a man in this universe happier than me." He pulled her in and kissed her.

She smiled and looked at her watch as it vibrated "Wedding time... let's go!" she smiled and looked at her babies the girls were wearing matching dresses all red and puffy at the end and a black ribbon at the waist. Anabelle had on the same dress it reached her knees also and the black ribbon was below her breast. They had black flats and she had on black heels. Xavier and Alexander had on Black suits with red ties and Black shoes.

Xavier picked up the Alexandria and then Anabelle placed Alexander in his arms and then she picked up Alexis and smiled as they exited the office and walked out of the building into the waiting Range Rover where they placed all the kids in the appropriate car seats.


Xavier walked out on to the porch and watched as Anabelle sat with her feet in the pool as Alexander and Alexandria pulled Alexis on a floaty in the pool on the shallow end. She looked calm but he knew any weird movement and she would reach them in seconds Alexis was only two and learning to swim while the twins were five and could swim but where still not strong swimmers. Zack was sitting in the shade with Rosie nobody knew how that happened but they had been married over a year and they looked happy they had just had a little boy name Andrews. Crystal was in the shade with a huge belly she had gotten pregnant by a guy she beardly knew Antonio but they were trying to make it work for the sake of the baby.

Everything somehow worked out and Xavier was glad because the hostility between Zackary and him was gone and there was a genuine friendship there now. He and Anabelle were happy and he had three beautiful kids and his life was perfect and he had Anabelle to thank for that. He had almost sacrificed all of this in the name of love but he realized that in actuality that sacrificed had made them stronger and better for each other. They still missed her mom but together they had made it and anything that the world threw at them they would make it past because they had each other.

He walked over and jumped into the pool. He soaked everyone and then Anabelle jumped on him to get him under water. He quickly over powered her and he had her in his arms.

"I love you Mrs. Lucado."

"I love you Mr. Lucado."

"Get a room!" Crystal laughed as Antonio lowered her next to Zack and Rosie.

The kids came up and as they splashed around the water Zack looked on and realized again that this is the way It was supposed to be from the beginning. That was her life, her love, her happiness, her family. Everything was perfectly in its spot. He turned and kissed Rosie and smiled as Crystal smacked him in the back of the head softly.

"Told you he so noticed her." She smiled at him "and I told you not to fight for her... he is her happiness... also said we would find that one day I promised you buddy and today is our day." Zackary laughed as he remembered her exact words the day Xavier and Anabelle first left to have coffee.

"So what happens now Zack?" Crystal smiled at him.

"Well Crystal, Anabelle there gets to live happily ever after and we get to join her in it." He smiled looking at Anabelle play with Alexis as the twins attacked their dad. Xavier sacrificed everything for love and because of that now he gets to be the happiest one of all but that did not mean that Zack was not also the happiest man ever.

The end

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