The Journey

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It was the only way.

"You must find the seven hearts of Gilded Past, or else she will die by year's end," The Empress said. "The poison will overtake her body within that time frame, even with the best healers attending her. Blooming Rose, you must be sure that this is the path you want to take. Once you start, you cannot come back, not ever. You can't even see her well again. If you step foot on these clouds again, you will die immediately. Or," she looked at my bare back, "enter any other way. Do you understand?"

Blooming Rose nodded. "Yes, you’re excellency."

"Then be off."

"Farwell, your excellency."

"Farwell Blooming Rose. May we never meet again.”

Blooming Rose galloped out on her magic horseshoes, barely giving them time to give her purchase and stop her from falling. All the houses and people she loved blurred as she raced past. The Olympic Dragonwings had been family to her for so long, taken her in after she was found stranded, given her a home, a name, a purpose. Even with her deformity, the Dragonwings had welcomed her like she was of their blood, where her true family had left her alone. She loved them more than she loved life.

But she loved Cutedrop more.

All the days with Cutedrop, all their plans. They were like sisters, and the special time spent with Cutedrop was the sweetest moments of Blooming Rose's life. Other than Blooming Rose's mother, Glen, Cutedrop was the only pony who did not see Blooming Rose any differently for her deformity. She was the only one who would listen, really listen to Blooming Rose's strange dreams. Even Glen left Blooming Rose's vivid dreams of "Equestria" stay unspoken. Cutedrop and Blooming Rose had spent many nights pretending to be ponies in Equestria. They had adventures together, became princesses, and lived happily ever. Those nights...

"And all the ponies live together in harmony?" asked Cutedrop.

"Yes, the winged ponies, the horned ponies, even the princesses." Blooming Rose answered with a tickle.

Cutedrop giggled, and then became very serious. "Even the nothing ponies like you?"

"Even the...the nothing ponies like me."

"Then we will go there someday, and have a great adventure. Then you don't have to feel sad anymore." Cutedrop said.

"Cutedrop... Equestria isn't-"


Blooming Rose looked into those deep, blue eyes. "Promise."

...Blooming Rose broke out of the memory. It was worth it to never see Cutedrop again then for Cutedrop to never see another day.

Blooming Rose stopped suddenly, at the edge of clouds. One more step, she would reach the border. Once she passed it, it was set in more Cutedrop or Glen or family again. She slowly lifted her hoof...

"Blooming Rose! Wait!"

She turned around to see Glen galloping towards her. "Blooming Rose, I just wanted to see you before you left."

"Goodbye Mom."

"You wait right here, missy, until I've given you a mother's blessing." Glen scolded.

"But Mom-!"

"Sit down."

Blooming Rose carefully folded her back legs, making sure that the magic flying horseshoes could still get a grip on the cloud and keep her on top of it.

"Daughter," Glen began, "I know I am not your mother by blood, but as the mare who raised you from a filly, I do not see it right to send you out into the world without a proper blessing.

“From Daughter to Daughter, may you find sunrises for every sunset. May you have a home in your heart than a mansion without out a soul. May your flight in hooves be short and your adventure quick. May you remember the love in your heart overcome the wings, or lack of wings on your back. May you make many friendships and meet good fortune.

"Blooming Rose, I love you. You know your bare-back deformity never stopped that. And even though you are all grown up now and about to leave for the world, I still love you. Remember that."

"I will Mom."

"One more thing before you go," she said reaching into her saddle-pack. "I want you to have this."

It was a beautiful gold heart-shaped necklace. It was covered in old dirt and grime, yet it still had a certain allure. It was precious, and very, very old. "I can't accept this Mom. You must have spent your life-savings on such a gift."

"No sweetheart, you must accept it. Besides, it didn't cost me much. It’s only an old family heirloom passed down through mother and daughter."

"Then you have to keep it in the family. You could give it to your brother's wife. She could pass it on to her little filly..."

"Or I could give it to you, my daughter." Glen laughed. "As something to remember me by."

"Oh Mom!', and they had a final hug.

"Now go and save Cutedrop. Be a hero like I always knew you would be."

With that Blooming Rose crossed the border for the last time.


A/N Thank you for reading chapter one of Heartfinder. Mostly only hardcore MLP fans will try to read MLP fan fictions, and I know that would decrease this story's popularity, but I wanted to write it anyway. I am going to try to make a pony for every chapter (made by General Zoi's Pony Creator and I only use so you can see how they look-give all credit to her), but it takes me a long time to create them, espeicially when I make the cutie marks myself, so hang tight. If you enjoyed it, please, please, please comment or vote because it makes me feel happy and helps me know that someone out there is reading this. If you hated it, please comment and tell me what I can fix. Thank you, and don't forget to be awesome!

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