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"ugh mom do we have to leave to see some guy you met online?" I say with a sad face and tone.

"yes we have to it for the best we need a family it gets lonely with only us two around right?"My mom says in an convincing tone.

"ugh fine"i say in a disappointed tone.

We get on the plane and we sit right across from some weird people like i felt like they were kidnappers for some unknown reason. I sat close to my mom.

The food lady thingy whatever she is called walked by us and asked "want anything?" With a sweet smile i said "water and a banana please."


"Mom where are they?"I said in a tired tone.

She said "Right over there." My mom smiled and waved it reminded me of that one move where the penguins say just smile and wave boys smile and wave.

I giggled. My mom asked me "why are you giggling?" I said "sorry i was thinking of funny movie."

We ran over to them and we all said our hi's and then we jumped in the car i found out that my soon to be dads name was Josh. He was super funny like really funny! Then he told me he has a son.

I asked "How old is he?" He responded with "He is six teen and he is in baseball." I said "Oh, I'm only 15 teen."

I thought to myself why does he have to be older than me because older brother always pick on the younger one at least that's what i watch in my fav movies.

Maybe this won't be so bad I thought to myself.


hewo this is the first chapter YAYAYA FINALLY DONEE!!


MY NEW BROTHER**Jacob sartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now